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The snow day call has come.

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This is getting ridiculous. It's one day of school, two days off, another day of school, a day off. By the time winter is over it will be time for spring break. It is making it very hard to get into any kind of rhythm around here. The school system allows 10 snow days and a student is allowed to miss 10 sick days so they can pass a year with only 160 days of school. It is going to be a short school year here. I have no idea what they are going to do if we have more than 10 snow days.

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It has to really snow for them to cancel school here, but my teen is not happy when they do. (There have been some good storms this winter! Grrr). We live in a town with a lot of country road, so it's difficult to get everything plowed in time.


We pray for no snow during the week. Let it storm from Fri 4pm through the weekend, but let the melting begin Sunday afternoon!


I want to be Queen of Weather!


Pooof, it's Late Spring! :) (My eyes are closed. Did it work?)

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I have no idea what they are going to do if we have more than 10 snow days.


I've never been up north, but down here when we have hurricanes and school is cancelled for an extended period of time, they just tack extra days onto the end of the school year. Maybe they'll do something like that?

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I've never been up north, but down here when we have hurricanes and school is cancelled for an extended period of time, they just tack extra days onto the end of the school year. Maybe they'll do something like that?



Oh, they tack on days here, too. This is why my teen hopes for snow only on weekends. No Snow Days! is our rallying cry! Sadly, this has been a snowy winter!

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Here it would really have to be a BIG snowfall for them to call a snow day. More often then not when we get a snow big enough that the plows can't get the roads clear in time for the buses to start their routes they just delay school for 1-2 hours. This way they can still count it as a school day.


Growing up here I can only remember one or two snow days, 2-3 days when Mt. Augustine blanketed the area with ash, and only a handful of delayed start times. There were many days though that tardiness was excused on account of weather. Occasionally if the roads are bad they will close school early in order to get kids home and buses off the roads before the evening traffic.

Edited by akmommy
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Here it would really have to be a BIG snowfall for them to call a snow day. More often then not when we get a snow big enough that the plows can't get the roads clear in time for the buses to start their routes they just delay school for 1-2 hours. This way they can still count it as a school day.


Growing up here I can only remember one or two snow days, 2-3 days when Mt. Augustine blanketed the area with ash, and only a handful of delayed start times. There were many days though that tardiness was excused on account of weather. Occasionally if the roads are bad they will close school early in order to get kids home and buses off the roads before the evening traffic.


We often have late starts and early dismissals, mostly caused by the prairie winds blowing snow. Out here on the flat land, white-out conditions are common. This year they are past the freebie snow days and are now adding days to the school year, and it's only early Feb!


I am very, very tired of being snowed in. Every time it snows (which is often on the SD/MN border) the plows don't come through until the wind stops blowing (and it blows and blows and blows on the prairie). We are just getting past a normal snowfall, and I'm on day four of being snowed in. My husband had to walk 1.5 miles home from town after his reserves weekend. Plows cost money, and our community just doesn't have the resources to run as often as they should.

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Here it would really have to be a BIG snowfall for them to call a snow day. More often then not when we get a snow big enough that the plows can't get the roads clear in time for the buses to start their routes they just delay school for 1-2 hours. This way they can still count it as a school day.


The weirdest part about watching all the snow coverage is living in upstate NY and getting NONE of it. I can see the ground in places. It's very strange.

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The weirdest part about watching all the snow coverage is living in upstate NY and getting NONE of it. I can see the ground in places. It's very strange.


:iagree: I live in the mountains in Utah...and we are having Spring-like weather (well, according to my kids, they don't even need jackets...but it is still cold) with sunshine. I know the reason though...we bought a snowblower in late November...so according to Murphy's law, we won't get much snow around here this year! :D (Dh is watching all the news coverage of snow storms with envy...he's only used his new toy three or four times and loves it...and can't wait until it snows again).

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Here in West TN, it's the same, KidsHappen! I've heard that they'll tack a certain number of days on to the end of the school year and if it goes beyond that, they'll have school during spring break. We've been having the wackiest winter...like, it's actually behaving like winter!!

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My MIL just called to let me know that her SD (90 miles to the east) is already closed for tomorrow. (It hasn't started snowing yet.) Here, the big posting on our local SD website is the make-up day schedule for snow days. If they cancel school tomorrow or Thursday, they may end up having to attend school on Friday, which they are supposed to be off for. Then they are off again on Monday, and back in again on Tuesday.

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