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Interested in researching Calvinism & Arminianism... Please recommend...

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Modern day Authors (all Calvinist to some extent, though not all of these agree on all points; definitely considered Reformed):

R. C. Sproul

John MacArthur (tons of stuff on his website gty.org, and its free)

John Piper

James Montgomery Boice


Sorry, I don't have any reco's for Arminianism specifically.


You could also read things on reformed church websites, like the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church USA.


Calvinism is also known as Reformed Theology, so you could use that in a google search too. I used to have some good bookmarks, but I lost them in a computer problem a while back.

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One of the best introductions to Reformed theology is the book "Putting Amazing Back Into Grace" by Michael Horton.


http://www.monergism.com/ is a good website for learning about Reformed theology.


http://solochristo.com/theology/Salvation/comparison.htm gives a comparison of the salvation according to Arminian theology and Reformed theology.

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Anything by Dave Hunt. He has written several books that debunk Calvinism. Like myself, he's neither a Calvinist nor an Arminian. He also has several recorded interviews available. I've heard a few of them and he comes across as kind and level-headed, easy to follow. He feels passionately about the subject but doesn't sound angry or confrontational. There is another Dave Hunt who writes Christian material.



Edited by Donna T.
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I am newly Reformed in the past several months, so I can't help you much. But I encourage you in your research! Pray as you go, that the Lord would enlighten you. John Piper was important to me, but mainly once I read on these boards that there even WAS such a thing as Reformed/Arminian, I just read about them both online by googling. THEN whenever I went into the Scriptures, it was like a light was turned on and I could see it everywhere as clear as day!

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Lots of good resources already mentioned. Here are some other reformed websites:


Tim Challies website has a lot of good resources on the Reformed side, and here's his section on Reformed theology.


Steve Camp (yes, the Christian musician from the 80's) has an excellent reformed theology blog as well.


Definitely check out the Ligonier website.


I have a good friend who is a pastor from an Arminian background; perhaps his denomination, Free Will Baptist, would have good explanation, and although I don't share his perspective on theology, I can appreciate his fervor :)

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I like lots of the sites mentioned here so far. Also:


Phil Johnson's Pyromaniacs site and his links page.


Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.


The Five Solas is a good one too. Click on the "reformed links" link and you will be busy for days and days.


And remember, prayer and allowing the Scripture to inform Scripture. Be Berean! :D

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