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I stumbled across http://www.vegsource.com, where they apparently have a homeschool classified section. Does anyone have experience with it? I found something on there I'd like to buy, but can't find any sort of reputation or anything to tell me how legit it is.


Also...would you buy something off of homeschoolclassifieds if the user didn't have any feedback? I found the same item there, but the 1 persion who has it doesn't have a rating so I'm a little nervous.


I checked WTM and no one on here is selling it. :( FWIW, it's the Singapore 1A HIG. I really want it and I really don't want to buy it new. LOL!

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Yes, it USED to be THE place for homeschool discussions! I still buy & sell from their boards on occasion but PREFER it here.


Yes, they used to have very good hsing discussions. However, they were (I don't know about now) *heavily* moderated. Threads would disappear if someone mentioned meat, for example, even in passing. It's their playground but the extremely heavy moderation is what killed a lot of their discussion boards.

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For the most part, I have had great experiences with sellers at VegSource and have found excellent bargains. I do try to avoid sellers at homeschoolclassifieds who have no feedback and do not accept paypal. However, if it is something inexpensive that I really need, I would probably take the chance. Just exercise caution...as with any purchase, and if you feel uncomfortable after connecting with the seller, just pass. I often times ask for pictures or for delivery confirmation numbers to be sent by email as confirmation of the package being mailed.

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Be SURE that you check out the Swap Problems board: http://www.vegsource.com/homeschool/problems/index.html


I used to buy and sell there almost exclusively but then a few bad seeds came along scamming was rampant and the board leaders attitude was that they provided the board but weren't responsible for the swaps (understandable to some extent, but they refused to even ban/block people who were repeat scammers.).


While the scamming can, and does, go on everywhere.....looking at the problems board it appears that it is VERY much still happening there. So use great caution before buying.....ask specifically for referrals and expect to get them from more than one person, hopefully someone that you can see has been posting there for a while (because unlike here, they don't care if you change your handle repeatedly....so there is nothing to prevent a scammer from recommending herself!). As a seller NEVER ever send something until you have money in hand, check has cleared. I know many of us know the check is on it's way and so we go ahead and mail just to get it off our to-do list....never would I do that there unless I'd previously sold to that person without incident.


After I saw the positive responses you got I thought perhaps vegsource had changed and was better now....but honestly, looking at the problems board it sure doesn't seem like it has to me. I hope so, but I will forever worry about being scammed from there because I sat and watched so many others have it done to them. As the seller you have a bit more protection because you get the money first, make sure the check completely clears, and keep clear proof that you mailed it as promised so paypal doesn't come back at you.....but as the buyer, you're sending money ahead of the products being sent....and that was the ones that were being scammed the most. For months someone that we all suspected was the same person with different names was answering the "wanted" boards with items people wanted, taking money and never sending anything. It was happening so much it had to be the same person, or a lot of copycats roaming the want board. On a few occasions burned buyers would contact the local police in sellers home but rarely did they do much more than contact the seller....even when the product still wasn't mailed they wouldn't arrest the seller for fraud. I underestand the have more important things than a $50 sale gone bad, but it makes you realize how vulnerable you are. About the only protection a buyer truly has is through something like paypal that will require PROOF from the seller of mailing....and that's only limited protection, there are ways for the seller to still win a dispute while you never get your merchandise.


Ok, off the soapbox.

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