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DIVE into Science

Guest SueKaw

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My dd is using the Chemistry with Dive this year. Her comments:


It is better than just the book alone.

She doesn't recommend the Apologia Chemistry book, it doesn't go into as much detail as his lessons do. Probably only about half of the terms that he has them look up are in the Apologia textbook. (I should have had her either use the BJU textbook or include the Apologia Advanced Chemistry book as well)

She likes him as a teacher.

She prefers the DIVE CD's to the DVD's she did with BJU Biology last year. The class chit-chat on the high school science BJU DVD's drove her nuts. (We much preferred the format of the 7th-8th grade BJU DVD's.)


She just watches the DIVE Labs, but doesn't do any of them because she is taking an outside Chemistry Lab, which is taught by a former college chemistry professor, at our local homeschool coop.


HTH -- sorry I can't offer anything about Biology or Physical Science.


Yvonne in NE

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My dd just started DIVE biology with the BJU text. We read the BJU chapter (I read it, too, as I'm re-learning and enjoying it!) then do what's required in the DIVE workbook, which is printable from the CD-ROM (requirements are watch the lecture, answer the review questions, do the labs). So far it's gone very well, but we are only on lesson 2. :) I appreciate the lab section especially; we're fine with doing dissections in real life and actually have done some already in other settings, but it really helps to have a visual of what we'd see under a microscope. We do have a microscope, but the labs require so many different slides that I'm not sure how to acquire economically, so it helps not to have to just skip whole labs.


I'm very glad we chose to do it this way rather than me trying to wade through the BJU text very inexpertly.

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My guys are half way through Physical Science, and I'm very pleased with it. They do the internet-linked reading, which Dr. Shormann lists as the most thorough option for Physical Science*, instead of using a textbook. The first half of the course is Chemistry; the second half is Physics. They do all the work that is laid out in the materials: Day 1 - read and define terms; Day 2 - watch lecture, take notes, answer review questions; Day 3 - lab. The lectures and labs are packed with information, and it's the norm for them to pause and/or rewind several times to make sure they catch it all. Tests are included as well as a spreadsheet for calculating grades.


We plan to use DIVE Chemistry next year.



*The video at this link compares various textbooks / internet readings for each of the DIVE Science courses.

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Thanks, Jackie! I think I'm pretty much sold then!:D:D:D


I may be wrong, so take ths FWIW, but there is a difference between the newer versions and the older versions. I'm not sure if the new version is a video. ( I know that the older versions were, but according to the agreement they are not resalable). It seems that I remember something about copyright issues with the first version and thus the makeover.

All this to say that you might want to email and ask if they are videos or pictures.

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I may be wrong, so take ths FWIW, but there is a difference between the newer versions and the older versions. I'm not sure if the new version is a video. ( I know that the older versions were, but according to the agreement they are not resalable). It seems that I remember something about copyright issues with the first version and thus the makeover.

All this to say that you might want to email and ask if they are videos or pictures.


Oh, good to know! Thanks!

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I did not see this when exploring the DIVE website, but actually at the homeschoolclassifieds website, when you do a search, a box shows certain policies of publishers, regarding resale. DIVE links to this page, where they very nicely say that the CDs are for one family use, and they have a replacement CD program, to get a replacement if you are the original buyer.....well, you can read it:





I had wondered why I had seen so few for sale....only three I believe.




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