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How much do you pay for piano lessons?

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I was teaching until about a year ago. I charged $10 for 30 min, which is low for our area. However, this was deliberate as most of my students were both friends from church and members of large families who had several kids with me, and it was important to me that it be affordable enough they could have 2-3-4 kids in lessons, and that I could say occasionally to the parents, "I've got this other piece of music, in addition to the regular stuff, and I think that ____ would enjoy it." We'd typically have one recital and at least one other performance opportunity, at the mall or a nursing home or something.


I took lessons myself from the conservatory in our area for a while... sticker shock! It's been a while, but it was in the neighborhood of $25-$30 for 45 min.


If you're looking for less expensive lessons, you might consider a high school or college student. My sister & I started with a high school student when we were kids. She did a great job - particularly with instilling a love of music. Just be sure to that they are taking lessons themselves, so they have someone to mentor them, and insist that they teach the kids theory. Should your child do any sort of music in college, a lack of theory will be a serious handicap.

Edited by Ritsumei
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Just started DS 9 1/2 with trumpet lessons a month ago. Teacher is a bachelor's student in music, in the brass instruments, lives on the next block, and is the granddaughter of the landlord. The landlord is actually paying her $10 per 45 minute session for the first six lessons, then I will take over at the same rate. Also, the trumpet is being loaned to us for free. She is great with DS, performs in various bands/orchestras, teaches at a couple of public schools and has been invited to teach at a summer music camp. I don't think I could find anything more accessible, financially or geographically.:D And, I don't know what lessons go for in this area.

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