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Lively Latin help

Alison in KY

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After seeing all of the LL positive comments on a recent thread I am trying to figure out what is going wrong in our house. I just feel like we aren't getting anywhere with LL. I don't understand the greater picture. I have to look back all the time on previous pages to figure out what we are supposed to be doing. I am just not getting what is going on, so I am not eager to teach this. We crack open the book every day and do one page, but it seem like we're just going through the motions and I do not know how to make it any better. Even the terms are not sticking with me (dative, nominative, declining...etc). I could not tell you what the letters on the chants are used for. We are in the middle of lesson 2 right now.


I'm thinking of making a last ditch latin effort and buying a DVD program, but the samples of LC have the speaker doing alot of "um" which is distracting, and the chants on LFC seem to speak way to quickly.


Help, anyone?



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When we started Lively Latin I needed to see the big picture, so I bought Wheelock's and read through the first few chapters--very helpful for me as it moves much faster than LL and explained declensions, etc. I also think the first lesson in LL was very long, and after the first few chapters I felt more comfortable. My dc loved it from the beginning, though. And practicing the vocab and chants daily really, really helps.

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I took some Latin in college and also my MA is in Linguistics (which doesn't make me an expert on Latin, but is sure helpful). Would it be helpful for you if I explained some of the terms for you, or is that not much of a problem? If you want to list anything you have a question about, I'll do my best.

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After seeing all of the LL positive comments on a recent thread I am trying to figure out what is going wrong in our house. I just feel like we aren't getting anywhere with LL. I don't understand the greater picture. I have to look back all the time on previous pages to figure out what we are supposed to be doing. I am just not getting what is going on, so I am not eager to teach this. We crack open the book every day and do one page, but it seem like we're just going through the motions and I do not know how to make it any better. Even the terms are not sticking with me (dative, nominative, declining...etc). I could not tell you what the letters on the chants are used for. We are in the middle of lesson 2 right now.


I'm thinking of making a last ditch latin effort and buying a DVD program, but the samples of LC have the speaker doing alot of "um" which is distracting, and the chants on LFC seem to speak way to quickly.


Help, anyone?




We did just one page a day, so there wasn't a lot of pressure. We also did daily review of terms (including dative, nominative, ect...) and with the slow pace we were going at you can imagine that is a lot of review.


I also used the grammar cards and added the declinations and put it all on a ring, so that I don't have to continue to flip around in the book. I have had to go back and make additional notes as I go to keep up with what is being taught as the big pictures comes into focus more.


It would be nice to understand the big picture better.



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I have made my own charts and hung them on the wall. I just make them up on my computer and print them out. I have a chart that lists the latin sounds of letters and the first declension so far. I have others in the works. You can make one with definitions of the terms that you have a hard time with.

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I would go a little further. I'm working (slowly) on Greek and USING the knowledge helps. In the beginning I tried to memorize the information, but it didn't stick. I started out re-reading the descriptions of the cases every word I had to translate and looking up the ending, but using it cements the knowledge into my head. Now I generally know the cases, and recognize several endings. I also typed myself some charts. Since you have it already I would press on - unless the kids are frustrated?

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I don't understand the greater picture. I have to look back all the time on previous pages to figure out what we are supposed to be doing. I am just not getting what is going on, so I am not eager to teach this. We crack open the book every day and do one page, but it seem like we're just going through the motions and I do not know how to make it any better. Even the terms are not sticking with me (dative, nominative, declining...etc).


Declensions are just groups that nouns are sorted into. Declining a noun is the act of listing that noun into cases, according to how the noun will be used in sentences (is the noun the subject? object of preposition? direct object? etc.). The cases are called: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative.


If you can conquer those two ideas and memorize the names of the five cases in order, you will have done a great thing and will be ready to move on. It took me awhile to understand what a declension *was,* nevermind how to start using the various cases!:D


After I finally understood what a declension was and what declining meant, things started to make more sense. Latin became more of a puzzle to continually solve and conquer. I still regularly kick and scream about it, because I keep coming up on new concepts and new things to memorize, but I do see that if I keep applying myself, the puzzle will be solved bit by bit.


And doing R&S English grammar greatly helps with our understanding of Latin (sorry Latin-only gurus, but this is very true here).


I'm thinking about back peddling and going through Prima Latina, what do ya'll think?


Alison (who feels done with LL...for now :glare:)


How old are the kids you are teaching? If older than 8 or 9, you could start with Latina Christiana I instead of PL. PL is basically just slowly memorizing vocabulary, some endings, and understanding some grammar concepts. But all these things are covered again in LC I. But if *you* need PL, that is fine, too.

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Declensions are just groups that nouns are sorted into. Declining a noun is the act of listing that noun into cases, according to how the noun will be used in sentences (is the noun the subject? object of preposition? direct object? etc.). The cases are called: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative.


If you can conquer those two ideas and memorize the names of the five cases in order, you will have done a great thing and will be ready to move on. It took me awhile to understand what a declension *was,* nevermind how to start using the various cases!


WOW, thanks.

~Christine in al

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