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s/o Are you done by lunch?

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No way, Jose!


My 6th grader does about 4 hours of "core" subject seat work a day. Then, he has history/literature reading to do, or we do our history and geography in the afternoon.


My 8th grade dd has about 5 hours of seat work, which she does almost completely on her own. Then she also has reading (lots more than ds) or joins us for history and geography.


So, they both have between 5 and 7 hours of work, four days a week. Fridays vary, as we use them to finish whatever wasn't done during the week, or field trips, or appointments/errands etc.

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We start at 8.30 am, after chores and piano practice, and we usually finish by around 2pm ish. This is teens. And we are not as rigorous as many, obviously. The kids do around 5 hours school a day. I feel its enough, but I am not pushing for kids to go to top colleges- we just cruise and have lots of different activties and a varied life. Both kids work part time too.

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The way my kids have ended up working, we can be here from 8-6 or later on Mon., Tues is off or lite because of outside stuff, Wed. can be as long as Mon. depending on how interesting our science experiments are, Thurs. tend to be finished by 2, and Fri. are usually an hour or two at most. SO they front load their week so as to be almost done by Fri. I assign the entire weeks work on Mon. The two youngers usually work through by the day, but my oldest will do entire subjects at a time. I had to make him do his math over the week so it had time to sink in, he was forgetting it as soon as he was done.

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