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Just for fun... did your baby's movements in the womb predict how they were IRL?

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This present baby moves a lot and I'm wondering what that means IRL? My dd7 moved a lot too and she's on the go until bedtime (even when she sits she's always readjusting her position!) and hardly ever stops talking! :) My ds9 didn't move as much as dd and while he's active, he's not ever been as fidgety as dd. Just having fun wondering what this next one will be like. What are your experiences? Also, were your dc's dispositions known at birth pretty much? (laid back vs. high maintenance) I can look back and see that that was true for me. My dc's dispositions now have been along the lines of their disposition in the hospital.

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Yes, in utero activity turned out to be a good indicator for my kids, I think.


Jumpy, jerky movements in my sensitive boy.

Slow, casual rolls in my laid back girl.

Sensitivity to noise in and out of the womb in another girl.

And we were not surprised when the youngest stayed nocturnal for awhile after being born. She slept all day and played all night!


Fun question. I miss those days a teeny bit. =)

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YES! PDG will hold onto an issue until one of us just gives up from exhaustion. She can be very stubborn, but I hope this just grows into tenaciousness. When I was pg with her, she would take her (toes (I presume) and shove them up against my ribcage (it almost felt like she was wrapping them around the lowest rib -- ARGHHHHH IT HURT!) for HOURS at a time. I remember Christmas Day specifically -- I was on all fours doing cat stretches trying to dislodge her!

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Completely opposite for mine, but that's not surprising. Every single old wives' tale that people use to determine gender in utero was also completely wrong for me, too. My Asperger's son who likes to watch and not participate was much more active in the womb, while my happy-go-lucky and very bouncy girl was completely chill.

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NO! Though I think I may have just felt them more b/c they were all HUGE, rather than I felt them because they moved a lot you know? None of mine bounce off the walls. DD1 sits still more but that could be b/c she is older or b/c she is less strong-willed than DD2...DS is active but what 9 mo isn't?

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My son (now 8) was the one I noticed this with. He was very active in the womb and very active out of it. This is funny - whenever I would cough or sneeze while pregnant, he would startle. I mean really jump. After he was born, he still did that whenever I coughed. Dh and I laughed hysterically. His whole body, legs and arms went straight out. That's exactly what it felt like before he was born. :D


He also hit every fine and gross motor skill really early. He's still an extrememly active kid.

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Yes with #1 - very calm

No with #2

No with #3 - he was constantly moving, flipping, kicking. He was easily startled (for example if I was using crushed ice option in the fridge, the sound of the ice being crushed and falling into the cup would startle him in the womb). Now he is a very laid back baby so far and he's fine with sudden or loud noises.

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Yes! My first was active, but he wasn't usually everywhere. His movement was more predictable, I'd say. He's an active kid, but he's not all over the place. My youngest was wild in the womb and wild now!


I'll never forget the day I was teaching preschool (3s) when I was pregnant with my youngest. I was reading a story aloud, all the kids were in front of me, and my son was moving around in my stomach. One of the kids finally raised his hand and said, "Um... why is your belly moving so much?" He was so active, others noticed it, regularly!

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Yes, but in different ways.


Ds1, moved around, but probably just a normal amount, nothing crazy usually pretty calm. But he was very sensitive to loud sounds or bumps on the road (we lived in NYC, potholes everywhere). As a baby, he was also very calm and sensitive to light and sounds. But around 12-15 months, the calmness disappeared and he was/is in constant motion. He doesn't walk anywhere, just runs, been like that since he took his first step. He is still really sensitive though.


Ds2 was wild in my belly, especially at night. It used to feel like there were triplets all kicking at the same time in the middle of the night. And he has still not slept a full night since birth. (And I have still not slept a full night since my pregnancy with him!)

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