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please help.... Latin for 5th & 7th


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What latin would you recommend for 5th & 7th graders with virtually no Latin background ? I've been putting off this post, because I don't even know enough to ask the right questions. :001_unsure: But... the time has come. Can someone help?

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What latin would you recommend for 5th & 7th graders with virtually no Latin background ? I've been putting off this post, because I don't even know enough to ask the right questions. :001_unsure: But... the time has come. Can someone help?


The explanations are very clear, the progression is logical, and there is a lot of great translation practice. The course is secular, and is laced with quirky translation passages and amusing cartoons. The author has twenty years of experience teaching Latin to this age group, and the tone is droll and age appropriate.


The basic course is the text book and answer book - one of each per year. There are also optional workbooks if you feel the need of extra practice. You can see samples here:




The books are available in the US from http://www.horriblebooks.com (Ray may have some on hand - otherwise he orders periodically in batches) or direct from the UK with free shipping from http://www.bookdepository.co.uk. I've used BD several times; service has always been excellent and very swift.


I have no financial connection with Galore Park - I'm just an enthusiast for many of their products.


Best wishes



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I've been using Getting Started With Latn with my 6th grader this year. It is a gentle introduction to Latin. It introduces one word or concept per lesson. It has been perfect for my son (and me as I never had Latin either!).

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Thanks so much for the responses! I was surprised to not see mention of Latina Christiana. Hmm....


Latin Prep sounds like a good fit for my 7th grader. Would it be difficult for a 5th grader? How teacher intense is this program? (I have no experience with latin and have proved to not have a gift with foreign languages. :rolleyes:) I won't have a lot of time to invest in studying the materials. Can I implement Latin Prep without... well... prep?


Getting Started with Latin has stellar reviews on Amazon, but I wonder if it is too light for 7th grader?


Also, if I can ask one more question, how would you compare these to a DVD-based program?

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I'm another huge fan of Latin Prep. It would be perfect for a 7th grader and good for a 5th grader who is a fairly solid student -- I have several younger (8-10yo) students in the Latin Prep class I'm teaching this year.


If you get the textbook and workbooks (and answer keys), you will not need to do almost any "prep" to teach it, though I would certainly encourage you to work along with your kids. The textbook is clear and concise, very easy to follow, and you won't need to prepare lessons ahead of time. I think the additional workbook exercises are very helpful for cementing concepts.

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