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What time do you eat your main meal?

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We used to eat at 5p on the dot, but now I really don't care as much as I used to, so long as we all get to eat, so its anywhere between 5p-6p. Lately its been closer to 6p, though.


We eat at 1 p.m. Whoever wants to eat in the evening can make oatmeal or warm up leftovers or something like that.


This is really interesting. Why do you do it this way? I remember having read that farming families who get up early and put in an 8 hour day by 1p usually have thier main meal in the middle of the day and it makes perfect sense. I thought how wonderful it would be to get the big meal out of the way earlier and then have time to wear it off throughout the day.

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I have dinner ready about 6:30, and whoever happens to be home eats then. My two dds and whoever (usually dh) picks them up from gym/dance usually doesn't eat until between 8:00 or 9:00.


We used to have dinner together every night, but with the girls' schedules now it is simply impossible.

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I have dinner ready about 6:30, and whoever happens to be home eats then. My two dds and whoever (usually dh) picks them up from gym/dance usually doesn't eat until between 8:00 or 9:00.


We used to have dinner together every night, but with the girls' schedules now it is simply impossible.


Now this is more like our schedule. We can eat anywehere from 5-8. We have kids in travel sports so the schedule is different every day. This is our slow time of the year, so we actually eat together almost every night. It will change in the next few weeks. Grabbing a hoagie at Wawa (East Coast convenience store) is very common in the spring, summer and fall.

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Usually 6pm. Sometimes, not very often, it can be as late as 7-7:30pm. On Sundays our main meal is after church, between 1-1:30pm, with a light meal in the evening.


I don't like to eat too early. I tend to be an overeater, grazer, late night snacker, etc. If we eat too early, I'll be back in the kitchen thinking I need to eat again. The rest of the family is about as bad. They'll think they need a snack and be back out in the kitchen too.

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On school days I like to have our main meal at lunchtime. The kids and I will have meat sometimes, which dh won't eat, so we tend to eat that while he isn't around.

In the evening we eat about 6pm, but there have been times when for long periods we would eat closer to 5pm.

I see nothing wrong and a lot of benefits of eating earlier, particularly with younger kids.

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I am interested to see what time everyone eats. My friends thing that I am crazy to eat so early. My kids are young, I feed them their main meal between 4pm-5pm (normally closer to 4) and I eat with them. Dh eats when he gets home and we will sit with him and have fruit or a small snack just to be social. On weekends we have our largest meal in the middle of that day around 2ish and that suits me even better.


What does everyone else do?


I have not read through all of the responses. I don't think you are crazy. I have had a 5pm dinner time since my oldest DD began eating solids. My DH either eats when he gets in or adjusts his working day so he can be home to eat with us. Now we have some after school activities happening for the first time this year we will probably eat at about 5.20pm most nights. My kids are also into bed early between 6.30pm and 7pm so eating a 5pm is right for us.


I would love to have my main meal for lunch but that just isn't going to happen here.

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We eat between 5:30 and 6:30 most days, but we always eat with daddy. When my dh isn't deployed, in the field, or tied up at work with no end in sight, we make a grand affair of supper time and plan around his work schedule. It's a pretty big deal for our family.


When my husband is away I feed the kids fairly early, around 4:30, and they grab a piece of fruit later in the evening.

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I eat several very small meals every couple hours. If I had to call one of these my "main meal", I'd have to say it's dinner at about 5:00 or 5:30. Kids go to bed very shortly after.


Snack w coffee: 5:30 a.m.

Breakfast: 7:00 a.m.

Snack: 10:00 a.m.

Lunch: 12:30 p.m.

Snack: 3:00 p.m.

Dinner: 5:30 p.m.

Snack: 8:30 p.m.

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It depends whether DH is away for work or at home.


Currently he is away, so our main meal is at lunch time ( around 12.30).


When he is working form home ( or close by), then we aim to eat around 6.30pm.


( sometimes activities dictate the times too- last term, tennis was at 6pm- so meant we didn't eat until 7 -7.30pm)


Lights out for the kids around 8.30pm - and up around 8am.

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Our mealtime revolves around when I remember to defrost something. :tongue_smilie:


I aim for 5:30/6, but we've had dinner on the table at 7. And 7:30. And, occasionally, 8. Dh doesn't have a regular schedule, so I don't feel compelled to serve at a regular time.


LIke someone else mentioned, my kids get up around 6/6:30 no matter when they go to bed. We aim for an 8:00 lights out for the kids, but we're flexible with that, too. They can stay up later to watch movies if they're wound down enough, and that usually involves blankets and pillows.


The baby will fall asleep in his dinner as early as 6 if he hasn't taken a nap. Sometimes I prefer it that way! :D

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