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Does anyone want to do a specific health/diet challenge?

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I'm thinking that we start with a three-month challenge (13 weeks, starting today!). We take before and after photos, weigh yourself, take measurements, and set an attainable goal. All this is for your own personal records, of course!!!


Each week we could report back here with weight lost, and exercise done...or what we've done to work toward that attainable goal.


Or something like that!


Praisefor3 has started a couple of threads...one for exercise tips and one for diet/food/nutrition tips....but if anyone wants to actually record their progress and report here, I'm game.


Let me know if you're interested by replying to this and adding what you'd like to see in a challenge. Though it's a day late, maybe we could start another thread tomorrow with Diet Challenge, WEEK 1 and you could introduce yourself and tell your attainable goal. Then next week on Monday, I'll label it Diet Challenge WEEK 2 and we'll go from there.


Last year I started a couch to 5k program and though I never did run a 5k or 10k, I skipped it all and did a 1/2 marathon in May...in just 10.5 months (and I was 20lbs over what I'd like to weigh)! I since hurt my foot and have lost some of my fitness, but I'm joining a 10k running clinic tomorrow, and I know another 1/2 marathon can by done again...by fall (with 30lbs lost, 'cause I'm heavier now!)!




ETA...you can have other attainable goals...like drink 8 glasses of water, give up pop/juice except one glass per week (as a treat), give up white bread, lose 10lbs, run a 5k, gain more flexibility, stop napping in the afternoon and eating 1/2 a chocolate cake when dh isn't looking (what? is that not normal????) ;)

Edited by 4kids4me
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I'm in....just got on my new Wii fit board and it told me that I weighed 8 pounds over what I thought I weighed (which was 7 pounds over my ideal weight.)


My goal is 10 pounds in three months


I hope to acheive this by:

Exercising 4 times week (45 minutes each day)

No softdrinks

No bread

minimal sweets (my downfall)



I look forward to participating :D

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Just started day 1 of South Beach today... I porked on too much over the Oct-Dec metaholiday sugar extravaganza. I think I need to stick with this at least a couple of months to see the results I need to see. I never lose any weight to speak of till phase 2 kicks in at week 3. But oh, do I need the sugar detox!

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I would like to lose about 10 pounds and tone up a lot, especially my lower half. My goal is to exercise 5 times a week and drastically cut back on junk food (like one cheat day a week or something similar). I'll probably do mostly exercise videos at home with a once or twice a week visit to the Y. I'd love to run if my knees can take it.


I REALLY need the accountability. Thanks for starting this. Here's to getting in shape! :thumbup:

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OK, my specific goals and behaviors (so far).


Start tomorrow, Jan. 5th.


I already put my "10 reasons" list on the fridge, on my bathroom mirror, next to my bed, in my office and in my planner.


Use the book 100 Days of Weight Loss and the site's resources, day by day, to assist me.


Use the book The Dieter's Prayer book to assist me.


MOVE. I want to commit to 4 sessions of intentional exercise a week.


I'm not sure yet what to do diet/food wise yet. I do well on low carb but I need to eat what we have for budget reasons. :huh::001_unsure:

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I want to do this. I need to drop about 10 pounds. I have a couple of crazy days ahead of me, so it will be toward the end of the week before I can report in with my goals and figure out what I want to do. It will center around using the elipitical trainer and doing leg lifts. :glare: lol.

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Can I just lurk and gain inspiration from that? I would like to tone up and quit eating sugar (again). I'd also love to find some sort of exercise that I can do that won't cause my herniated disc to scream! Can't afford the gym. During the school year, we live in town so I don't have the ranch work to keep me fit. I really hate living in town.

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Oh..me, me!!! I want to lose about 15 lbs. but, more importantly, want to change the way my family eats. We are trying to limit sugars and processed foods. Dh and I have also committed to working out. We have a full gym thing in our garage, free weights, pull up bars...everything we need (with the exception of motivation:tongue_smilie:) I could definitely use the accountability!!

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Can I just lurk and gain inspiration from that? I would like to tone up and quit eating sugar (again). I'd also love to find some sort of exercise that I can do that won't cause my herniated disc to scream! Can't afford the gym. During the school year, we live in town so I don't have the ranch work to keep me fit. I really hate living in town.


Lol--I could work up a good sweat going out and shoveling manure onto the garden. But it's been so cold that all the cow pies are probably frozen to the ground. Of course, that would be good exercise--prying frozen cow pies off the ground. :lol: Good for upper-arm strength. ha

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Oh..me, me!!! I want to lose about 15 lbs. but, more importantly, want to change the way my family eats. We are trying to limit sugars and processed foods. Dh and I have also committed to working out. We have a full gym thing in our garage, free weights, pull up bars...everything we need (with the exception of motivation:tongue_smilie:) I could definitely use the accountability!!


I think I should get points for at least standing on the eliptical trainer. Actually moving my legs seems like so much, I dunno, effort! :D

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