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Well...I did it.

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Thank you for the fitness advice...and the encouragement to get out in the cold anyway. Darn if you Canada people didn't take away my excuses! It is 16 with a wind chill of 5. My very long driveway has 1/2 inch of ice on it. But the road is clear. So when ds12 started showing signs of needing outdoor exercise, I bucked it up, bundled up, took ds and the dogs (dd5 wanted to go but it was so cold I made her stay home with the fam)...and out we went. I set my ipod counter for 5 minutes so we could turn around and be back in 10. And frankly...that's all I could do. Then I came home and took the cellophane off Wii fit plus and exercised for 30 minutes. I know that's not the most intense exercise and my elliptical will start tomorrow. My eating improvements start tomorrow. We are having fatty fingerfoods tonight. But getting off the couch today was a great start. Thank you again!


Getting thin in 2010!

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Doesn't it feel so good to just get motivated? I did the same thing today, bundled up, went for a mile walk and then a dvd for 30 min. I am proud of both of us. Now we just have to keep on keepin on :tongue_smilie:

(I am also 40ish and 30 pds overweight)


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I have to say, winter time is my most favorite time to walk outside. It's refreshing, invigorating, NO BUGS, gorgeous. You just have to dress right.


I hate to walk outside during the summer. I hate humidity. That's when I exercise in the pool. Or float.


I'm really serious about changing back to my healthy eating/exercise habits for health reasons. I'm just not feeling well.

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I have to say, winter time is my most favorite time to walk outside. It's refreshing, invigorating, NO BUGS, gorgeous. You just have to dress right.



I walk my dogs almost every day in the winter for 30-60 minutes. I love it! If I can't wear my running shoes, I put good supports in my winter clogs and keep going.


Even on a gray day, being outside for awhile helps with the seasonal affective disorder blahs.



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I have to say, winter time is my most favorite time to walk outside. It's refreshing, invigorating, NO BUGS, gorgeous. You just have to dress right.


I'm guessing that it's not -25 C without the windchill.:D



We took our dds to sled at the park down the road. It's a 5 min. walk in summer but at least 10+ min when you have to go across a field of snow. My dh and I stood at the top of the hill, went down a few times, and then called it quits. It's just no fun when you can't feel your fingers.:lol:


Winter walking is much better when it's between anything and -15. :001_smile:

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Winter walking is much better when it's between anything and -15. :001_smile:


No kidding. If my thermometer is correct, 16F is about -8C. I think that's PERFECT weather for walking, if dressed correctly. Anything too much below -15C (3F)... nah. Short, necessary sanity breaks only.

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Wonderful! That's begining the new year with a success!


I'm with you: my walking/outdoor activity shut down completely when it got cold. I (and my girl and the dog!) was really enjoying it. Even on the HOT days we got in the habit of walking in the evening. My girlie, dog, and I would walk to the park and when we got there, my girlie would walk with me, climb trees, read, play with the dog. I'd walk around the different play areas solo or with her or the dog. It was really enjoyable and it had become a way my daughter and I could spend some really nice time together w/o it being a totally structured do this school work, clean this room, blah, blah.


Later when it got too cold, we just quit. :sad:


My daughter wants to do this http://home.insightbb.com/~eowynchallenge/Walk/walk.html

for her NYR. So I'm letting her set up a blog and she's going to ask among her friends to see if she can start a walking club. She started by wanting to walk together w/ friends every day, then every week. I think I've got her talked into walking just the two of us every day and getting together with the walking/hiking club once/month. As she meets different goals she/we/they will either design their own post cards or use the ones already at that site and send them to each other or others.


I dont' think need any external motivations for walking in spring, summer, autumn but this migt get us moving in winter. We need to find some appropriate clothing. I think mostly my problem is face, hands, and feet.


So, we'll hopefully have a good time and stick with winter walking!


Blessings to us all on that venture!

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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Way to go...I'm looking at my digital thermometer this morning and it's reading -15', according to the news the windchill is -30'.


We've got cabin fever no ifs ands or buts... And I'm a weather wimp with the cold...


Thank you for the fitness advice...and the encouragement to get out in the cold anyway. Darn if you Canada people didn't take away my excuses! It is 16 with a wind chill of 5. My very long driveway has 1/2 inch of ice on it. But the road is clear. So when ds12 started showing signs of needing outdoor exercise, I bucked it up, bundled up, took ds and the dogs (dd5 wanted to go but it was so cold I made her stay home with the fam)...and out we went. I set my ipod counter for 5 minutes so we could turn around and be back in 10. And frankly...that's all I could do. Then I came home and took the cellophane off Wii fit plus and exercised for 30 minutes. I know that's not the most intense exercise and my elliptical will start tomorrow. My eating improvements start tomorrow. We are having fatty fingerfoods tonight. But getting off the couch today was a great start. Thank you again!


Getting thin in 2010!

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