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6th police officer killed in the area since October

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I was so sad to see he didn't make it. I'm glad he took the perp down, though that's likely small comfort to his family.


It's been a bad year for officer shootings. Up quite a bit from last year, though overall deaths are down. There were more shooting deaths this year than automobile-related deaths, which is unusual. :(

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It breaks my heart as well, and it hits pretty close to home. My oldest son just got sworn in a couple of months ago and is serving in a small town, metro area agency. His dad (my former dh) was a policeman until he was retired with a disability, and so I was prepared for the possibility that one of our three sons would want to take that path as well.


Every time I read about shootings, my heart skips a beat! Yet in my heart I know that we need good police officers, and my son is a true warrior and a caring soul. The town he works for is so blessed to have him there to protect and serve.


God bless the men and women who serve their communities and put their lives on the line! They are someone's sons, daughters, brothers, daddies and mommies, friends and neighbors.




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