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Can you recommend a great book?

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We're getting ready to move and dh will be going to the East a week ahead of me. The boys and I will be in a hotel room and I'm trying to keep life normal for them that week: Spanish, karate, park time w/ friends etc.


However, there'll be plenty of time for me to read in the hotel. Can you recommend a book that's a real upper? Nothing Polly Anni-ish, but I'm wanting something to lift my spirits because that last week will be sad and hard. And, if it isn't, that's great too, but I'm afraid it'll be pretty tough.


One book I plan on re-reading is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn -- it's an upper for me in the sense of overcoming hardship. That's inspiring to me.


I also love non-fiction if you have any suggestions.


I just need to "feed" myself some positives so I can keep it together for the boys.


Anything positive -- a great motto or something is appreciated!





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I usually don't recommend books that have been made into movies--and usually no selections from Oprah's Book Club, hehe--but I really enjoyed Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts. It's definitely a good one on the overcoming theme and it was a surprise thumbs up for me. :)


And, *GASP*, another OBC selection that I also really liked was Open House by Elizabeth Berg. Such great characters, humor and an optimistic hopefulness in that one.

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...I suggest some books by Louisa May Alcott:


"Little Women"

"An Old Fashioned Girl"


They are both positive without being sugary, and very value-laden.


"Girl Meets God" is a great book by Lauren Winner that gave me a lot to think about while being really entertaining. I like the way that Lauren contends with moral, spiritual, and ethical issues without being arrogant about them.

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GREAT suggestions, everyon, thank you!!


I've already ordered Girl Meets God and Eat, Pray, Love.


I've read Eat/Pray -- it was good!


Open House was awesome too. I should read that again!


6Pack -- Oprah's suggestions scare me too. They're usually so preachy about some subject. But if you say so, I'll do it.


Thanks again,



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I usually don't recommend books that have been made into movies--and usually no selections from Oprah's Book Club, hehe--but I really enjoyed Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts. It's definitely a good one on the overcoming theme and it was a surprise thumbs up for me. :)


And, *GASP*, another OBC selection that I also really liked was Open House by Elizabeth Berg. Such great characters, humor and an optimistic hopefulness in that one.


I really enjoyed Where the Heart Is too. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is one of my favorites!


Best wishes with your move and transition!

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For a pleasant read, I love the #1 Ladies Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith. Don't be put off by the title--the books have well developed characters, humor, and gentle wisdom. They are set in Botswana and the main character is an astute observer of human beings and often reflects on the transition from traditional to modern culture. The "detective" part is more or less a device for exploring human interactions. They are not really mysteries. One of my favorite parts is that the main character refers to herself as a "traditionally built" woman and laments the skinniness favored by "modern" women in Botswana. She finds being "traditionally built" a security when walking in her garden because the extra vibrations warn off the snakes! :)

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A book suggestion for those (like myself) who enjoy the #1 Ladies Detective Agency series is A Guide to the Birds of East Africa by Nicholas Drayson. It is a delightful little book with humor, adventure/mystery and a little romance that is one of my favorites. Not a series, but the setting and tone really reminded me of #1 Ladies Detective Agency. I bought the book for myself, my mom and my sister! Charming light reading. :)

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When I am feeling down, The Secret Garden always lifts my spirits, although I really do prefer reading it just as spring is starting.


One of my all time favorite books! I bet that six or seven of my all time favorite books are kids books. I would actually recommend a few childrens books for you to read during your stay. They are easy, light, and fun. I find they take my mind off other things even if I've already read them 50 times. I'm thinking Narnia and maybe the Little House books.

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