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Easy Grammar help!


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ok.we tried easy grammar 5/6 this through the summer and although my dd (10) was doing ok with it, she HATED it!


ive since long stopped and tried another grammar program and that was worse, so ive spent alot of time researching other grammar programs. what ive come up with is i think we would be better going back to easy grammar then to start something totally new at this point. dd and i have talked about it, and she momentarily agrees.


i purchase daily grams 5 to go along with it.


so what i need is some help thinking up how i can make this more appealing to dd. anything? any ideas? alot of it repeats a little to much for her taste was one of her biggest complaints.


:lurk5: thanks everyone! happy holidays to u and your families!

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If my son had mastered the concept and the repetition was unnecessary, I'd probably have him do evens or odds. My kid doesn't mind the repetition (we also use EG) but sometimes just to change things up I'll challenge him to come up with his own sentences that reflect what the lesson is teaching. It appeals to him for whatever reason LOL, maybe it would prove more challenging to your DD as well.


Could she take the EG lesson, and instead of doing the worksheet ... maybe apply the lesson to something more relevant to her, such as a current book or other subject's reading?

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I had just the TE, and two kids at the same level when we did EG6 last year. I photocopied the student pages from the TE for them. If they showed me they could do the first page of the same kind of analysis correctly, we moved on to the next concept. There's review built in (not just the reviews themselves, but you always eliminate prep. phrases, find the subject and verb no matter what you're doing; and they'd often continue to identify things like adverbs or direct objects even if it wasn't that concept's "turn"), so I'd just skip a lot of the pretty much identical pages, unless I felt like they needed more time on that topic. This eliminated a lot of the repetitiveness.


I'm glad I did it this way, because if I'd had the student books, I know I would've had a really hard time skipping pages in a bound workbook! :tongue_smilie:

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so what i need is some help thinking up how i can make this more appealing to dd. anything? any ideas? alot of it repeats a little to much for her taste was one of her biggest complaints.


:lurk5: thanks everyone! happy holidays to u and your families!


Before the year started I realized that my daughter wasn't going to like grammar, no matter what I did with it. I told her point blank that I'd go the extra mile for her in her other subjects, but this was one she was just going to have to buck up and get through. Like the others have mentioned, I omit when there isn't a need for repetition. I also think there are a few topic that she's run into that she's just not fully ready for so I haven't stayed parked on those, but have moved on.


We also only do EG 3 days a week, and I think that helps a great deal. She does a writing class and/or assignment plus some daily oral language the off days so she gets a break from it.

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ok... by doing evens or odds or even skipping pages, did u get done in less than a year with it? and if so... what else did u do for grammar (not writing or spelling), another words how did u balance it out? thanks!


We only did it 3 days a week, and I always went over every page with them and we parsed any sentences they got wrong on a white board before moving on - we only got through 3-5 pages a week, and at that rate it would've taken us 2 years to get through one book. That was actually my plan. We started EG6 in 5th grade and I was going to use it for 5th and 6th. Then I discovered MCT and ended up finishing the book (except for punctuation and capitalization, which I was planning to throw in this year) over the summer because I wanted to finish it before moving on. I found we could skip more pages as the book progressed - we went much more slowly through the first Preposition section.

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ok... by doing evens or odds or even skipping pages, did u get done in less than a year with it? and if so... what else did u do for grammar (not writing or spelling), another words how did u balance it out? thanks!

If you think you need to do more grammar after completing EG (and I'm not sure why you'd need to), I'd say complete EG, then do Daily Grams, rather than doing them simultaneously.


My dd did three pages of EG a day until she finished the book, less than a year.

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