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WHAT is wrong with our BRAND NEW WII????

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Dh set it up, we put in a disc and get this message:

"An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button and remove the disc, then turn the Wii console off and refer to the Wii operations Manual for help troubleshooting."




We get this message with every disc, so it's not that.


Any ideas? Dh is getting pretty steamed that he spent nearly $400 on the console, games and accessories and we can't even get to step one!!!




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Several suggestions from my kids:


1) Turn the power off and on and try again.


2) Push the reset button which is right below the power button and try again.


3) Disconnect the machine from the power (as in remove the power supply from the Wii) and let sit for 30 minutes. This has taken care of any problems on ours the others haven't fixed.

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LOL, well, when it comes to video games, we ARE dumb. This is our first video game of ANY type since our childhood atari units in the but yes, disc is in, we can get to a main menu without a disc. Now dh has linked it to our wireless router and it's going through some sort of updating.


Update is now finished, still cannot read a disc. :willy_nilly::mad::angry:


This is the first thing we've bought at Wal-Mart in YEARS. Literally, YEARS. They had a great deal, so after a lot of research, we bought it there. Dh is NOT happy, and neither is dd. Leaves a very sour taste in our mouths!


Thanks for the suggestions, though.



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Dh set it up, we put in a disc and get this message:

"An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button and remove the disc, then turn the Wii console off and refer to the Wii operations Manual for help troubleshooting."




We get this message with every disc, so it's not that.


Any ideas? Dh is getting pretty steamed that he spent nearly $400 on the console, games and accessories and we can't even get to step one!!!




I soo feeel your pain. That was us last year. Our problem was that we weren't plugging it directly into the TV. Instead DH had it running through the vcr or was it something else electronical that I totally don't understand..... But when he plugged it directly into the TV, per the directions, it worked and has been a ton of fun. We truly thought it was a bust.

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I soo feeel your pain. That was us last year. Our problem was that we weren't plugging it directly into the TV. Instead DH had it running through the vcr or was it something else electronical that I totally don't understand..... But when he plugged it directly into the TV, per the directions, it worked and has been a ton of fun. We truly thought it was a bust.

I remember calling a customer service number listed in the manual on Christmas Day to get some help. They figured out that we'd plugged it into the TV wrong too.

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Well, the good thing about Wal-Mart is that their exchange/return policy is hassle-free as long as the item is in stock. The problem is a Nintendo one, not a Wal-Mart one, so don't be afraid to try again. Sorry this happened.



No kididng. I don't see how a faulty Wii is Wal-Mart's fault :confused:

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No, it's plugged directly into the tv. Tech support seems to be taking the holiday off.


Sigh. Thanks for trying. Thankfully it wasn't the only gift, because it's a total and utter bust.


Merry Christmas


I pulled up the thread I started last year on this for you to look over. So sorry, it is a good gift. I remember crying because it was the main gift for our kids and it was just awful at first. Now they're out there playing their new Wii games and having fun -- 1 year later. :grouphug:

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Also, copy and paste the error message into google and see what results you get. I'm sure you already tried this, but wanted to mention it just in case. That's what we do with all of the error messages we get and people usually have great advice on how to proceed.

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No kididng. I don't see how a faulty Wii is Wal-Mart's fault :confused:


Don't frown on Christmas, Quiver. It's my opinion! In our experiences, the times we've purchased items at WalMart (I'm not talking dishtowels and laundry soap-- I'm talking big-ticket items) they've been a bust. Many models, from electronics to music, are manufactured specifically for WalMart and are not the same model you'd buy elsewhere. We are left wondering if this is the case with the Nintendo Wii we purchased there.


I know lots of you LOOOOVE WalMart, but we've just had nothing but negative experiences the FEW times we've purchased anything from them. We RARELY spend any money there because of their business practices, and this just reminds us why.


Astrid (yep, we tried to turn it off for a half hour, then turned it back on. Still no dice. Must be a faulty laser. Sigh.)

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Yes, we did that and all signs seem to point to a faulty laser, which needs to be replaced. The odd thing is that in every single one of the instances I found online, the user had been playing the Wii for a long time, sometimes years. Ours is straight out of the box. We've never gotten so far as to START a game. It just won't read the disc.


Thanks for the suggestion, though.



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