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Mini pies in mason jar question

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I'd LOVE to know what pie you're making in a graham cracker crust for those!


I made three dozen apple ones. They are SO cute. We have a list of about 10 people to give them to.


I'd go ahead and do the graham crust, and just put it on the bottom and up the sides, just like regular crust.


BTW, I made 10 pie crusts, and that made 36 jars (with top crusts) plus one regular sized double crust pie. So in other words, for one single pie crust recipie's worth of crust, you will get 4-5 double-crust jar pies. Just to give you an idea of how much crust you may need to make for your graham pies. And after the crust, each jar takes approx. 1/2 cup of filling.


Have fun! Dh was sent to work with 7 bags of mini pies to pass out today. :001_smile:

Edited by bethanyniez
I ^made^ three dozen, not I *make*. sheesh.
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I don't know, 'cause I've just finally tried 'em myself. :) I have ten little pies in the fridge, and 2 in the oven (to see how they come out).


I quadrupled my (single) crust recipe, and found myself short one top in the end. So I made a strudel topping for that one, and it's one of the two I'm baking now. I do think my crust recipe is a bit skimpy (though I like it otherwise), so perhaps that accounts for the difference in Bethany's outcome. Mine made not-quite-three mini pies per single crust.


I'm really excited to see how they come out! I had wanted to make more, but life intervened. I'll have to settle for a dozen this year.


But boy are they cute!

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Is there a website with a picture for what yall are talking about? I can't seem to visualize a pie in a mason jar. Or can you post a picture?



Here's the website http://www.ourbestbites.com/2009/09/single-serving-pie-in-jar.html


I'm getting ready to make some apple pies and was wondering if anyone has a good, reliable crust recipe to share with me. I cannot find the one I've used in the past since I have a tendency to scribble recipes on scraps of paper and promptly lose them.

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Rebel Pie Crust


Here's the recipe I've been using this year, and find surprisingly wonderful. It's not at all like other pie crusts I've made, and it sounds like it shouldn't work, but it's fool-proof and delicious! :)


Here it is in the amounts that I used for a dozen mini jar pies. (Okay, I was one top-crust short -- I think there was enough dough, I just wasn't intentional enough in making it stretch to all twelve pies.)

5 C white flour (I've used whole wheat or half-and-half for savory pies and it turns out great, but for giving away these sweet pies, I stuck to white flour)

1 teaspoon salt

1 1/3 C vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, canola, any good baking oil)

1 C cold water (or 1/3 C apple cider vinegar and 2/3 C cold water)


Stir flour and salt together. Make a well. Set aside.


Whisk water (and vinegar) into oil until emulsified.


Pour oil mixture into the well in the dry ingredients and stir together with a fork until it just comes together. Don't over-handle.


For jar pies, simply mash the dough into the sides and bottom of the jar before filling. For the tops (or any other rolled use), roll the dough out between two pieces of waxed paper.


And, BTW, I did go ahead and bake a couple of the pies I made earlier today "just to test 'em out". ;) They were delicious, and the family wanted to know if I had baked any more. ;)

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Thanks for sharing, ladies! What a great idea!!! If I have leftover pie filling after making pies for dh's work tomorrow, I'm definately digging out my jars to make a couple!


I'm thinking these would make great family baking projects, too! Now if only I can keep them a secret, I could bless my Secret Sister from church with a few in the chilly winter months as well....

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I really needed an excuse to buy cute little jars! :lol:




I'm a little concerned though as I didn't think canning jars were made to withstand oven temps. You all seem to be having good luck though. I may have to give it a try--if I can find these locally.

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I really needed an excuse to buy cute little jars! :lol:




I'm a little concerned though as I didn't think canning jars were made to withstand oven temps. You all seem to be having good luck though. I may have to give it a try--if I can find these locally.


There's an explanation on the site about how air is not as good a conductor of heat as, say, water. So the jars do not break in the oven.


Still, my dh *insisted that we bake one, just to make sure. All was well. Any yummy. :D

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There's an explanation on the site about how air is not as good a conductor of heat as, say, water. So the jars do not break in the oven.


Still, my dh *insisted that we bake one, just to make sure. All was well. Any yummy. :D



Ok, that makes sense (and helps allay my fears). Now if I'd read the text instead of skimming and looking at photos, I'd have seen that. :blush:

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