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Favorite gift "spill the beans" stories

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The thread about accidently finding out the gift made me think of the many times, mostly due to kids of course, that gifts have been revealed too early here.


My favorite time is about six years ago. My in-laws have a tradition that the youngest child "plays Santa's helper" and gives out the gifts under the tree. My then almost 3yo and his two cousins who were two months older and three months younger were playing helper. It was very apparent they all helped their moms with the wrapping because as each one handed the gift to the recipient, it was accompanied with a "Here's your new shirt" or "It's a bunch of lotions and soaps." We laughed so hard that year at the three elves and their helpfulness!!


Any good stories?

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My dad let my brother in on the secret that mom was getting a watch for Christmas. My brother, being about 6 at the time, knew not to tell her so instead he said, "I can't tell you what your getting but it goes on your wrist and tells time." Thanks Bro.


Just yesterday my youngest wanted to know what we were getting my mom. I said I couldn't tell him because he's 6 and I learned about secret telling from my brother. LOL He said, "Oh you can tell me because it'll be in my head for, oh, about 2 hours. Then it'll just go out." :D

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My Dad was famous for pumping us for information just before Christmas. :D I'm the youngest of four siblings and one Christmas when I was quite young my Dad found me alone in the living room and he asked me what Mommy got him for Christmas. I was more than happy to help out my Daddy with this important information, so I told him Mommy had bought him "knock-knocks". He got this blank look on his face and told me he didn't understand and asked me to repeat it. "KNOCK-KNOCKS," I yelled. (Yelling things *always* improves communications, does it not?) Of course this reply was audible by everyone in the house, and they started running in to muzzle me before I completed my communique. To their great annoyance, just about the time they arrived, there was little Reg with each hand cupped in a circle around each eye yelling in a frustrated voice, "You know, Daddy, KNOCK-KNOCKS!".


Needless to say, I have never heard the end of that story to this day! :tongue_smilie:


In case anyone out there doesn't know what "knock-knocks" are, my mom had bought a pair of binoculars for my father.


Merry Christmas!

Edited by RegGuheert
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When I was 6 and one of my brothers was 8, he came to me with an offer... "I'll tell you what you're getting, if you tell me!" I am not sure how I happened to know what his gift was and what my parents were thinking that a 6yog should know that...


I happily agreed to his offer and told him that he'd be getting a race car track set.


He, on the other hand, had NO idea what I was getting. He told me that the art kits that I had given as birthday gifts to a friend were also bought for me, for Christmas.


Now, I was very excited about those art kits... but, NO! I got a little red radio on a string... and a green striped shirt to go under my overalls... but, no art kits!

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My stepfather was a big boxing fan and my younger brother (around 6 at the time) was very excited that he was able to buy his dad a second-hand biography of Floyd Patterson with his own money ($1) for Christmas. He followed his dad around for days saying "Do you want a hint? I could give you a hint..." and finally my stepfather said "Oh, alright ~ what color is it?" My brother said "The book or the man?" :lol:



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I took my DD shopping for some of my son's gifts. She picked out one of the Lego sets for him, and I told her not to tell him what it was. As soon as we walked through the door she said, "Nathan, I'm not going to tell you what Lego set I got you!" She was honestly puzzled when I got upset with her. She said, "But I didn't tell him what it was!" :lol:

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When my daughter was 2, I took her shopping with me to get her daddy's Christmas present. We found him a very nice toolbox and I spent a lot of time drilling her on keeping it a surprise and not telling Daddy.


(As an aside...I guess I was really naive as a first-time mom...looking back, I can't imagine why I thought a little girl who was just barely two would be able to keep a secret for several weeks! :confused:)


Anyway, she made it almost to Christmas Day, although several times she said things like "Daddy, we got you something really good, but I can't tell you!" One day when she said that, my husband replied "Oh, I bet you just got me some socks, didn't you?"


She indignantly hollered "No, we DID NOT! We got you a TOOLBOX!!" and then promptly burst into tears when she realized she had blown the secret. We still tease her about this, 18 years later. :)

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Last year I was complaining that it was cold in the house and that my feet were freezing, so my son (4) said "Why don't you just go get those slippers out from under the tree?"


This year the kids grandpa was trying to spoil them and they were in the toy section of KMart. My son picked out a Transformer and my dd wanted to get a Liv doll, but my son said "you better not or you will spoil Christmas!" :tongue_smilie:

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