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Kids getting g.c to a place we don't eat at. WWYD?

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My children each just received in the mail a $10 g.c. to McDonalds from my BIL. They haven't seen them yet. Uhm, we don't eat at McDonalds, EVER.


Do I sneak out the g.c. and put in $10 cash instead? Do I just suck it up, get past my gross factor (ammonia hamburger & steroid chicken), and take the kids to McDonalds? Give them away?


I have no idea how to handle the thank you. Just generic thank you for the gift?


What would you do?

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My kids are just usually specific with their thank you cards. Like...


Thank you, Aunt So-in-so. I used the $10 you sent to buy....."


I really don't want to sound ungrateful.


I just noticed such a change for the better in my children's health and specifically my son's behavior when we cut out HFCS, processed foods, and fast food.


I don't want my kids to start daily begging for french fries again, kwim?


It was incredibly nice of the in laws to think about us. It was a nice surprise.

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I'd say your kids are old enough at 7 & 10 to know that you don't want them eating at McDonalds. So I'd tell them that they need to thank their uncle for thinking of them.....the generic "Thank you for the gift certificate" will work. Then tell them that since your family won't be using this card that you'd like them to choose a charity to donate them.


Our family often donates gifts that we have no use for to a local shelter....and the kids get to see that their gift brings a lot of happiness to someone else. We don't need to replace it for them, but if your children are upset over giving away their gift, then by all means, get them a replacement gc to somewhere you approve.


I think this is very close to the regifting thread.....I think it was very thoughtful of your BIL to give them a gift.....it sounds like he's not close enough to them to have known it wasn't exactly appropriate for your family....but his heart was in the right place. Take his gift in this light and pass along his thoughtfulness to another person who can appreciate it more.

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I was going to suggest just using it for Milk, drinks when you are running around town and get thirsty. I NEVER EVER EVER (did I mention EVER) go to McD's because my dad managed one when I was little and I practically lived there. I can't stand the smell. However we have been given cards in the past and I just used them for drive thru purposes.

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I'd say your kids are old enough at 7 & 10 to know that you don't want them eating at McDonalds. So I'd tell them that they need to thank their uncle for thinking of them.....the generic "Thank you for the gift certificate" will work. Then tell them that since your family won't be using this card that you'd like them to choose a charity to donate them.


Our family often donates gifts that we have no use for to a local shelter....and the kids get to see that their gift brings a lot of happiness to someone else. We don't need to replace it for them, but if your children are upset over giving away their gift, then by all means, get them a replacement gc to somewhere you approve.


I think this is very close to the regifting thread.....I think it was very thoughtful of your BIL to give them a gift.....it sounds like he's not close enough to them to have known it wasn't exactly appropriate for your family....but his heart was in the right place. Take his gift in this light and pass along his thoughtfulness to another person who can appreciate it more.


This is wonderful! My children will probably even enjoy giving the g.c. away! Yes, BIL was thoughtful to think of them and we do appreciate it. We don't live near family so no one has a clue about our lives. It is why we stopped exchanging gifts several years ago (and partly why this came as such a surprise).

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I'd say your kids are old enough at 7 & 10 to know that you don't want them eating at McDonalds. So I'd tell them that they need to thank their uncle for thinking of them.....the generic "Thank you for the gift certificate" will work. Then tell them that since your family won't be using this card that you'd like them to choose a charity to donate them.


Our family often donates gifts that we have no use for to a local shelter....and the kids get to see that their gift brings a lot of happiness to someone else. We don't need to replace it for them, but if your children are upset over giving away their gift, then by all means, get them a replacement gc to somewhere you approve.


I think this is very close to the regifting thread.....I think it was very thoughtful of your BIL to give them a gift.....it sounds like he's not close enough to them to have known it wasn't exactly appropriate for your family....but his heart was in the right place. Take his gift in this light and pass along his thoughtfulness to another person who can appreciate it more.



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I think giving them away to a charity or homeless person is a wonderful idea, but I don't think I'd mention that in the thank-you note. Somehow, it seems kind of rude to say that you gave their gift away (though I don't think it's rude to actually give it away). It's fine to say you appreciate their thoughtfulness and leave it at that.

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I think giving them away to a charity or homeless person is a wonderful idea, but I don't think I'd mention that in the thank-you note. Somehow, it seems kind of rude to say that you gave their gift away (though I don't think it's rude to actually give it away). It's fine to say you appreciate their thoughtfulness and leave it at that.




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I'd say your kids are old enough at 7 & 10 to know that you don't want them eating at McDonalds. So I'd tell them that they need to thank their uncle for thinking of them.....the generic "Thank you for the gift certificate" will work. Then tell them that since your family won't be using this card that you'd like them to choose a charity to donate them.


Our family often donates gifts that we have no use for to a local shelter....and the kids get to see that their gift brings a lot of happiness to someone else. We don't need to replace it for them, but if your children are upset over giving away their gift, then by all means, get them a replacement gc to somewhere you approve.


I think this is very close to the regifting thread.....I think it was very thoughtful of your BIL to give them a gift.....it sounds like he's not close enough to them to have known it wasn't exactly appropriate for your family....but his heart was in the right place. Take his gift in this light and pass along his thoughtfulness to another person who can appreciate it more.


:iagree: That's what I'd do, Daisy.

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