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French/German: I think I am in love...


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with this program, Petit Pont. I haven't purchased it yet but I did download the demo and played with it. I also loved the look of the teacher's guide, it is just what I've been looking for.


If anyone has actually used this program, please let me know what you thought of it.


I have an email into this company to see if they are going to expand their materials for German (Kleinbrucken) to match those of Petit Pont.


Hope this helps someone else.

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I wonder do you have to purchase a school license in order to get a teacher guide? And also if you can purchase single additional workbooks for siblings? It does look very interesting!
On the website that I linked, you can definitely buy the teacher's guide and individual pupil workbooks separately. (That teacher's guide looks exactly like what I've wanted so I wouldn't want to go without it either.) So far I've found one US distributor and they only list the home license and not individual items but I haven't emailed and asked them for any further info. I'm kind of hoping that, if more people like this, together we can find more distributors or encourage more companies to carry it.
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D'oh! I see, now. You have to click on "Buy Now" to see the individual items listed. Obviously I hadn't gotten that far yet! :tongue_smilie: Thanks for the info!


Do let me know if you find an American distributor that has the individual components. I'm not sure if I can afford it just yet, but it does look like something my children would like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally received a response from the Goethe Institute in London who helped to make Kleinbrucken and they wrote:


"To answer the query, I'm afraid there is no plan to add to the existing

material at present. I wish there was."


I don't suppose any sort of email writing campaign would help? A full-scale homeschoolers onslaught? Crying, screaming, wailing...


It just looks so perfect, (if you picture all the French version materials just in Deutsch) I'm so bummed. I feel like it is just so close to being my ideal. I wrote back to them with a request that it be considered but I'm not holding out much hope. I'm leaning toward buying both Petit Pont and Kleinbrucken for next year. I speak French but am only just learning German myself so I don't think I would be capable of "inserting the German" into the teacher's manual myself but maybe I would just have to try it if they come back with an absolute no.

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I finally received a response from the Goethe Institute in London who helped to make Kleinbrucken and they wrote:


"To answer the query, I'm afraid there is no plan to add to the existing

material at present. I wish there was."




I'm about to buy this program next week...however now I'm a bit confused...

What are they not planning on adding? It seems like it is complete just like the French and English versions as is. Did I miss something?

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The software is complete, I believe, as a program itself but Petit Pont has other materials: a teacher's guide (which looks fabulous), a student workbook and then just some other teacher materials. (I just looked and the English version has the same extra materials as Petit Pont.) If you haven't seen them, here is a link. Manic-monkey sells all three language versions.


May I ask, since you hadn't seen that, did you find it at another site? I'm trying to locate all the distributors to see which ones carry which materials, as well as how many are located in the US.


I think with or without the extras it looks like a great program. My concern is based on the imbalance in knowledge that I have between French and German.

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Oh! Okay.


There is a Petit Pont distributor in the US, but not one for Kleinbrucken. I was just going to order from Manic Monkey because I think they ship to the US and other countries.


Here is the US Petit Pont distributor that I found: (Sorry, I don't know how to embed links)



I think they only sell homes license though...



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  • 3 weeks later...
Did anyone ever figure out the system requirements for this software? Mac or PC? Operating system?


I am specifically interested in requirements for Kleinbrücken.





Answering myself here:


Minimum Computer Requirements

Operating System:

PC: Windows 98 or later

(XP Highly Recommended)



Min Pentium 3 or equivalent

CD-Rom or DVD Drive:


RAM: Min 128MB

Colour Display: Min 800 x 600

Graphics Card

3D Preferred



Sound Card:


Speakers or headphones:


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The shipping seemed high when I was looking at it, and I was trying to figure out if they had any way to get it to the US for cheaper. At least that's how I remember it since it was a bit ago. I ended up buying some (less fun) workbooks but will probably turn to it when we hit another lull.


Did you get it? Is it fun?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really really wouldn't buy directly from Manic Monkey.


FOR Petit Pont:

they over charged for shipping, emails were answered, but never acted on. When teachers manual arrived it was FULL of highlighted markings and pen marks where they had used that teachers manual to draft a parents manual. CALLED UK , fixed over charge fro shipping, didn't send replacement teacher's manual.

emailed again,,, FINALLY sent new teachers manual. this purchase took 6 months, from Sept, to March.


I never intend to deal with Manic Monkey again.


Book Depository is the way to go IMHO.


Now.... back to the regularly scheduled thread...good luck with the German.

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