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Our science problem is...


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ME! I don't know why I can't commit to a science curriculum. I enjoy science, ds loves science, but it seems to be the hardest for me to pull together. I ended up getting a subscription to Aha Science from the coop so at least something woud be getting in his brain. (he loves it btw) I've been considering going back to K12 for science. I wish I could hire someone to do science for me! Someone give me a kick in the pants!

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This is why co-ops exist.


I have been thinking about this and trying to find something in our area. I guess I have stayed away in the past because of fearing it to be too much of a class like situation too soon. When we pulled him out of private school, he really couldn't handle much in the way of peer interaction anymore. He had an extreme breakdown and just completely shut himself away. We have since tried involving him in other venues, without much luck, and his comfort level seems to be in the range of 5 kids without shutting down. I pray that he will continue to progress in therapy and get back to his old self... If I could find something within an hour drive (we are in Northern NJ and most of what I find is south or central NJ) I may test the waters. For now I guess I will just keep feeding him books, and force myself to get into the more hands on stuff.:tongue_smilie:

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Do you have standards of learning for your state?


I was having this problem with math. Then, I looked up the standards of learning and found some topic specific books that I love. I tend to borrow them from the library, that way when I get tired of them I don't lose any money and can switch to another one ;)


Maybe you could do the same thing for science? I end up using a lot of high school or adult self-education books, but I've found that it makes the concept much more clear for both of us.



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Do you have standards of learning for your state?


I was having this problem with math. Then, I looked up the standards of learning and found some topic specific books that I love. I tend to borrow them from the library, that way when I get tired of them I don't lose any money and can switch to another one ;)


Maybe you could do the same thing for science? I end up using a lot of high school or adult self-education books, but I've found that it makes the concept much more clear for both of us.




I looked this up, and found a few interesting documents. It seems almost like a roadmap, and I thought it may be useful to go through and pick and choose topics, find resources, and break science down into more manageable chunks. I think I get myself overwhelmed with trying to see the whole picture. Thanks for the ideas!

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I looked this up, and found a few interesting documents. It seems almost like a roadmap, and I thought it may be useful to go through and pick and choose topics, find resources, and break science down into more manageable chunks. I think I get myself overwhelmed with trying to see the whole picture. Thanks for the ideas!

I've found those guides (for math) to be just restrictive enough that I don't panic :p It's also comforting to know that he's learning, at the very least, what they're learning at ps.

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Science is my nemesis. I've only done a few programs, but we've tried Sonlight (hated Usborne), Noeo (couldn't afford the kits and was ticked the lesson plans were just a schedule), Apologia Zoo 3 (too complicated for us)...Then we hit on Home Science Adventures (Microscope--great!) but we still didn't finish it.

We are trying The Elements next.


I hear ya. I really do.


I'm hoping to get it together by the end of the year.


In comparison, tho, I will say that public school science last year wasn't all that great (dd went for 3rd grade). They spent an entire quarter on simple machines (and it wasn't that thorough), watched a lot of videos (not very interesting ones), and she doesn't even remember what else they did!:lol: They had science roughly once a week.


I think I've done better just strewing things around and letting her observe and investigate--rocks, outside time, animals that come to the feeder/patio, cooking in the kitchen, etc.

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Science is my nemesis. I've only done a few programs, but we've tried Sonlight (hated Usborne), Noeo (couldn't afford the kits and was ticked the lesson plans were just a schedule), Apologia Zoo 3 (too complicated for us)...Then we hit on Home Science Adventures (Microscope--great!) but we still didn't finish it.

We are trying The Elements next.


I hear ya. I really do.


I'm hoping to get it together by the end of the year.


In comparison, tho, I will say that public school science last year wasn't all that great (dd went for 3rd grade). They spent an entire quarter on simple machines (and it wasn't that thorough), watched a lot of videos (not very interesting ones), and she doesn't even remember what else they did!:lol: They had science roughly once a week.


I think I've done better just strewing things around and letting her observe and investigate--rocks, outside time, animals that come to the feeder/patio, cooking in the kitchen, etc.

That's why I said, 'at least as much.' Even in math, I've found that their standards are, imo, pretty low. So, it's pretty easy to go above and beyond and give my dcs a greater understanding than they would've gotten in ps.

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I have a love/hate relationship with textbooks. Science textbooks are so dull. BUT, I went over to Ambleside Online and looked at their science suggestions (this is for year 6) and they suggest reading biographies about scientists, books on topics by authors that really love their subject, and nature study. After watching my ds12 zone out while reading a Holt science textbook everyday, this seems to be a good alternative. We purchased a couple of Janice VanCleave experiment books on physics and chemistry (that is the focus in the main book used for Ambleside for year 6) so we can add in some hands-on stuff.


I've been stressing over science for this 12 year old, and thinking back, my dd16 did not do textbook science until she did Biology in 9th grade. She did a more "living books" science with Ria's My World Science back then with lots of hands-on...and she loves science as a high school student and wants to go into a science field...environmental science.


My dc also love History because of the "real" books used early on.


It sounds like your dc would benefit from a relaxed method of science...no pressure! Check out the rec's on Ambleside's website. Some of the books are hard to find...I had to pay more than I normally would for one the books, but it is so interesting and enjoyable, it was worth it.




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I had this problem also. I bought Sonlight science core 4 and ds is doing it independently. That way it gets done and I don't have to be involved for the most part. Core 4 focuses a lot on physics if that matters to you. Sure I could pull together a schedule and books, but for some reason, just having it scheduled out for me really helps. So far, ds really likes it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
I had this problem also. I bought Sonlight science core 4 and ds is doing it independently. That way it gets done and I don't have to be involved for the most part. Core 4 focuses a lot on physics if that matters to you. Sure I could pull together a schedule and books, but for some reason, just having it scheduled out for me really helps. So far, ds really likes it.





This is our best year ever for science. I give all the credit to Sonlight for their Science 4 for my oldest and Science 2 for my middle.

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