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How much sleep do your younger teens need/get?


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If your schedule is/was fairly consistent from day to day, how many hours of sleep do you think/know your younger teenagers require? My children have typically slept at the lower end of the requirements so I want to make sure I'm at least in the ballpark with the amount of time we provide for their sleeping needs.



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My 16yo gets 7-9 hours/night, usually closer to 7.

My 14yo gets 7-8 hours/night.

My 11yo gets 7-9 hours/night, usually closer to 9.


While my kids are all staying up later than they used to, they also switched their waking up times later.


It isn't uncommon for all three of the kids to be up before I am. The only one who uses an alarm clock is the oldest and that's only when she has a morning cc class.

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My 17 year old will sleep around 10 hours most nights. He's been sleeping around this much since we started homeschooling. It was much rougher when he was in ps as we knew he wasn't getting enough sleep but he really couldn't get to bed any earlier.

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We've had a rather consist bedtime for many years, but I have noticed since my teen became a teen that she is getting up an hour or two later than she used to.....that is when I don't go in and get her up because we have an event, lol. I know I've read many articles about teens needing more sleep so I do try to let her sleep when we're not going somewhere. I'd say that if I let her go it's 11-12 hours.

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