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Correlating music/poetry/art to SOTW

Kate in Arabia

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Not a spreadsheet, but for art appreciation, we plan to use Art in Story: Teaching Art History to Elementary School Children.


It teaches art history for elementary school children, the ancient world to the twenty-first century. It starts with a brief story, then a few activities. The end of each chapter lists a wealth of audio-visual resources. It might even cover some music/poetry, but I will probably have to look further for that.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Does anyone happen to have a spreadsheet listing major music/poetry/art by SOTW chapter? I'm sort of searching as we go along, but it would be nice to have the information laid out in advance...


That would be ridiculously wonderful! Oh, pretty please...someone? I would pay good money for this. Seriously. Exactly this.


Not a spreadsheet, but for art appreciation, we plan to use Art in Story: Teaching Art History to Elementary School Children.


It teaches art history for elementary school children, the ancient world to the twenty-first century. It starts with a brief story, then a few activities. The end of each chapter lists a wealth of audio-visual resources. It might even cover some music/poetry, but I will probably have to look further for that.


This is a great book. I also love Art From Many Hands.


ETA: I've wishlisted The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music History. Despite the fact that I hate these self-deprecating titles, the book looks good. I love that it begins with ancient music. So many resources leave that out altogether.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Does anyone happen to have a spreadsheet listing major music/poetry/art by SOTW chapter? I'm sort of searching as we go along, but it would be nice to have the information laid out in advance...


This would be wonderful. It would cut out a lot of my :banghead: I have been doing. I have been staying up to all hours trying to find ways to tie everything together to prepare for grade 1 next year. It would be absolutely fantastic to be able to have it at my finger tips, even just as a reference guide.

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Does anyone happen to have a spreadsheet listing major music/poetry/art by SOTW chapter? I'm sort of searching as we go along, but it would be nice to have the information laid out in advance...


Are you using the Activity Book? We're using Activity Book 4, and there's quite a bit of poetry & such in the activities, extra books, etc.



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Thanks for everyone's responses.


I have the Activity Guide; what I was kind of thinking about was a spreadsheet that simply listed the top composers, artists, authors/poets for each chapter. As it is, each chapter I spend time searching but I'm thinking I'll miss someone important. We don't spend a lot of time on it, I'd just like to have the kids exposed to at least the names and the most famous examples of their craft. I will usually play something musical in the background that is from the right time period while we're doing our readings, that kind of thing. I just thought (hoped?) maybe someone had already done the correlation.


Thanks again.

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Donna Young's website uses the Usbourne books, Story of Painting and Story of Music, and is correlated to CHOW, but many of the cultures are the same and could be easily adapted. It would be harder to find the more obscure information on the Phonecians, Assyrians, Babylonians, etc.



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I totally understand what you want and what you are trying to do, because I had the exact same though. I have not found the info online, BUT I have found a few books that I am using that have the information. What I have done is bought some really good time line books from amazon and I keep a bookmark in each to track where we are. Before we do history, I take a quick look at each to see what is happening where, what I want to expand on, etc. Then when we do the lesson I go over the time lines with the kids. Here are the books I use,




The Annoted Arch is the history of architecture. I have to admit, it is fun watching the buildings change, talking about the innovation's, etc. Go to the link and you will see why I bought this book. You can view it online and see the time line for yourself. I pull art ideas out of here.




Same author, but it is a time line of art from prehistoric cave paintings to the modern times. Once again you can view the pages online at this link.


I have 2 other time line books. One has columns for things like art, drama, literature, politics, medicine, etc. The other has columns for the continents and tracks the events as they unfold by location. I will post their names once I find them. I am in the process of moving right now, so things are a bit crazy here. I love the time line books and many of my friends have added them once they saw mine and how I was using them.



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Wow, Holly, those look great! It looks like she has titles for architecture, art, and Western lit. Maybe world lit is too ambitious? I would just need something for music, hmm...


I also found studying the history of Islamic architecture interesting -- so fascinating to see when things started, motifs and elements that are still used today.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I would just need something for music,



Despite the terrible title, this is a great book for your purpose. In the preview mode, use the "search inside this book" feature for "listening list." These lists give actual song and artist titles to look for (many of which can be found for individual purchase on iTunes). The book starts with ancient, goes to medieval, on to classical all the way through modern music. There is a timeline of important developments and musicians/singers for each period/type of music also.

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