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Doctor Bill Question

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We have 2 REALLY high(I think) doctor bills that are about to come in. I was wondering do you try to pay it off all at one time or do you make payments?


There is no way we can pay this amount all at once. I never dreamed a cardiologist would cost that much for an hour visit and we say him in his office!


If you make payments do you call them or do you just send in a payment?

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I would call them after the bills come in. At that point you will know what the amount is and how much you can pay. I have found all offices able to set up payment plans and they do prefer to know in advance. I know one hospital could only let us set it up for 3 months, but if we paid a smaller amount and still owed at the end of the 3 months we could call and extend the payment time. Without that agreement however they could turn us over to collections at any time and we didn't want the extra fees or hassle.


I would also make certain that the insurance has paid all it is going to pay before you pay the entire amount they bill you for. Sometimes it can take months for you to get your money back.

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Yup. That $600 bill we paid turned out to be that we only owed $250. It took us over a year of fighting to get our money back.


But honestly, would a doctor or hospital turn a person over to collections if they were sending money? I can't foresee that because the office loses money by turning an account over to collections.


It happens all the time, but not usually in small, independent offices. Offices that are part of a large organization are much more likely to do that.

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Legally, if you are paying on the bill they can't turn it over to collections. Even if you are only paying a small amount at a time.

I would call in advance and see if you could work out a payment schedule. That way they won't be calling you on the phone looking for payment.


If you don't have insurance, next time it is best to try and talk to someone in advance about a private pay price. Different people pay different prices and private pay is the highest. You need to negotiate that in advance though. I mean, it is hard to ask for the Blue Cross price after you have seen the doc, kwim?

Of course, cardiologists are specialists and therefore their rates are higher than a general practictioner. Those just in his office visits are definitley expensive. You should see what an orthopedist charges for an office visit. If they cast the kid it counts as a "surgery". The last statment showed that at about $2500 per visit. Ouch!!

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Legally, if you are paying on the bill they can't turn it over to collections. Even if you are only paying a small amount at a time.

I would call in advance and see if you could work out a payment schedule. That way they won't be calling you on the phone looking for payment.



I call in advance to set up a payment plan, but sometimes they tell me that the amount I am capable of paying is "not acceptable". Well I can't pay more than I have available. I make the payment that I can afford, each month, never missing making a payment (even if it's only $10). I've never been sent to Collections over them as long as I'm making a payment, and they never call to harass me.

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I would call and ask to be put on a payment plan. Over the past year and a half my daughter has had to undergo numerous tests-CT, MRI, echocardiogram, etc. etc. There was no way that we could pay the whole bill at once for some of the specialists so we are on a payment plan to pay about $75 per month without interest. Most of the hospitals and doctors I have worked with are more than willing to work something out like this.

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Yup. That $600 bill we paid turned out to be that we only owed $250. It took us over a year of fighting to get our money back.


But honestly, would a doctor or hospital turn a person over to collections if they were sending money? I can't foresee that because the office loses money by turning an account over to collections.

yes :glare:

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We've been to lots of Doctors and every one of them allowed a payment plan. When we were really poor (both of us in college), they allowed me to pay $10/month without interest on a $2,000 bill. They will work with you and if you don't have insurance, may times they will give you a private pay discount...it can't hurt to ask. Don't overwhelm yourself and pay more than you can afford!

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I'm glad you called.


My experience is that I've always been able to get a payment plan, interest free. Usually, they will split the bill no smaller than 12 monthly installments. So far, I've been able to cover that amount. Don't know what would happen if that was still too high.

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