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Hey folks! Checking in with some changes.

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We've had a whirlwind past several weeks. I feel like life is moving at bullet-train speed. Anyone else there? :001_smile:


The first few months of this semester were spent working on college applications for my oldest. I'm sure some of my family and friends wondered why *I* was so busy when *he* was the one applying! We had a computer rescue just before the first big deadline and I was so, so happy that I had backed up all these years, though we didn't end up needing it.


Then, oldest went into the registrar's office to sign-up for his Spring dual-enrollment classes. Out of the blue, the unversity said that their enrollment was overextended and he couldn't dual-enroll again for the Spring. He could have gone to our junior college, but wanted to continue on with his chemistry sequence at the university level. We cast about for options (take the semester off and work, start the university in the summer), and he ended up applying to dual-enroll at our state flagship university -- his #1 college choice. He's been accepted, we have housing (family in town) and he'll start at the university in January. ::sniff, sniff:: It's only a little over an hour away, and we're encouraging (requiring ?) him to come home most every weekend. The great thing about homeschooling is that we can be flexible! The hard thing about homeschooling is that we sometimes have to be flexible!


Thankfully, we've seen the Lord lead in each step. I'm actually very excited for him, but come January, I'm thinking we'll feel a hole when we do our morning Bible study or sit around the dinner table.


In the midst of this, we rejoiced over finding that I was expecting and due in June, and then have grieved as we learned there were problems and the baby never really developed. I'm resolved to enjoy every ounce of the Christmas holidays.


Looking forward to getting on the boards again over the next few days as I begin to feel better. Many blessings to all of you!


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Wow, Lisa, you've had some major life episodes over a short period of time. I always admire those with many kids who are able to keep it all together;). I've only got 4 and feel like I'm hanging onto a roller coaster with my finger tips praying that I'll get a better grip before the big curve approaches.


What a blessing that you have family for your son to stay with.


Glad you're back with us.

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What a roller coaster of a fall! My middle son went off to college a few months earlier than we expected, last June. It definately called for some grieving, even though it is was a good thing overall. Two of my three children left a year apart and I'm still sort of reeling. Every once in awhile I feel like I can't think or I'm moving through molasses and I then I remember why. Please remember to be gentle with yourself this winter. You will be double grieving. It is nice that yours can come home weekends.


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Oh Lisa,


There is a note of optimism in your update, indicative of the courage that you clearly have in facing all of this. It boggles my mind how some of you stay on top of so much!


Hugs to you, best wishes to your oldest, and much happiness to your family during the upcoming holidays.




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Thanks ladies for your encouragement. It's been so interesting to read about many of your children as they have moved through their high school years, into college and now even into marriages and families of their own. Next semester, we'll have a whole new group of announcements about college acceptances and plans and moves. This virtual community has been such a resource of experience for me!


Many blessings,


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