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We are ON SCHEDULE!!!!!!


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I would love to be 'flexible' and 'loosey-goosey' BUT I must have lesson plans or at the end of a school year, the kids and I would have accomplished NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!:glare:


This morning while the kids were doing work, I planned out my lessons using just the lesson numbers (I will go back and put in the details) and we are ON TRACK to finish in May. I am SO excited, you cannot imagine! We have had what I have considered to be so many setbacks - major damage due to water in our home, moving to a hotel :willy_nilly:, homeschooling :willy_nilly: in the hotel, running back and forth :willy_nilly: to the house to meet with contractors, and now we will be moving back into the house in 3 to 4 weeks SO another move :svengo: -- that I am thrilled :hurray: to see that even when we lost a day here or an hour there, we continue to plod on and we are doing okay!


This means SO much to me -- I have finished so many days feeling as if we haven't done what we should, but we have --


thanks for listening:D!

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That has got to be just the Best Feeling!


Congrats on sticking to your schedule despite so many issues - you're giving me new resolve to continue with our schedule (I've packed the house and made a bunch of repairs in anticipation of a move that never happened - thank goodness for that, as we love our community here. Now I get to unpack and enjoy a repaired house, but what a traumatic autumn it's been...)

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I haven't completely planned that far, but if we finish the next two weeks, we'll finish sometime in May. Last year we were on track this time of year though and repeatedly got derailed from February through May with eldercare issues, so we didn't finish until July 4th.


Still juggling that, but it's been more even of late...

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:party:Isn't that a great feeling! I enjoyed Thanksgiving break so much b/c we have worked our buns off since the first week of August! I can't believe we're almost at the end of December!?!?! To think, I only have 6 more months before I can take a teaching break for 2 months! SO glad we're on target too!


Now, since you had all that going on...WOW! Great job!

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:party:Isn't that a great feeling! I enjoyed Thanksgiving break so much b/c we have worked our buns off since the first week of August! I can't believe we're almost at the end of December!?!?! To think, I only have 6 more months before I can take a teaching break for 2 months! SO glad we're on target too!


Now, since you had all that going on...WOW! Great job!


:iagree::iagree:YES! Me TOO! I sat at the pool all summer doing lesson plans and reading curriculum and we started the first week of August, and I have SO stressed over missing a day here and there b/c of all the stuff that has been going on. I feel such a sense of relief! :D And, congrats to you for being on target!

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Congrats! Sounds like all that careful planning and scheduling before the school year really paid off. :)


And you forgot in your list of challenges that you also added a new member into your family (of the canine variety)! So I think you're doing great. ;)




AWWWWW! Thank you! And how is...let me see.....is it Angus? How is he doing? He must be getting so big!


Guidry is probably wondering what kind of nomad family he got hooked up with -- right now, he's been in the hotel for as long as he was at our house. poor pooch! But, hey, he's getting Marriott Rewards, so that's a good thing!:lol:

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Congrats! We've stayed on track since late July and I'm ecstatic! With several math curriculum speed bumps we had gotten significantly off track and I'm thrilled to finally be smooth sailing.


I never did tell you how sorry I am for your house fiasco. I can't imagine how you feel but it always sounds like you guys have taken it in such stride and moved along. Wow

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Congrats! We've stayed on track since late July and I'm ecstatic! With several math curriculum speed bumps we had gotten significantly off track and I'm thrilled to finally be smooth sailing.


I never did tell you how sorry I am for your house fiasco. I can't imagine how you feel but it always sounds like you guys have taken it in such stride and moved along. Wow


Thank you! You are too kind, though! There are days when I want to scream, but in the great big scheme of things, this is a manageable challenge.....the five of us are healthy, the dog is a good dog, and if there was ever a year when I am thrilled to be homeschooling and not to be in the classroom as a teacher, this IS it!

I do not know how I would manage getting up, getting dressed and getting to someplace on time :confused:, and doing the same with three kids -- so homeschooling has been a blessing this year. And, yes, we've had those curric bumps in the road, but I think we are hitting our stride now. The summer break will be much appreciated!

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