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Poll: Movies, Music or Books?

Books, Movies, or Music for the rest of your life. Which one?  

  1. 1. Books, Movies, or Music for the rest of your life. Which one?

    • Books
    • Movies
    • Music
    • Other

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Didn't even pause to consider but once I did here's what I think. My life is richer because of books, while it's simply more pleasant because of movies. Music would be difficult to give up because it too enriches my soul, but we can all make music on our own. Books are a peek into others thougths, ideas, worlds.

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Didn't even pause to consider but once I did here's what I think. My life is richer because of books, while it's simply more pleasant because of movies. Music would be difficult to give up because it too enriches my soul, but we can all make music on our own. Books are a peek into others thougths, ideas, worlds.


:iagree: Well said!

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I could never be without music or books................ so for me, 'movies' would have to be the choice. It combines both stories & music into one. No, movies are never as good as books, but at least it would be some element of the story, plus a source of music as well. A fair trade off.

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Movies I don't care about at all. Books and music are both very important and very, very different.


But I chose books, because the poll said you'd never be able to 'listen' to music again.....not that you wouldn't be able to 'make' music again.....


So, I'll read books and then go make music!

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Believe it or not I said movies. My dh and I have always had a special thing of watching movies together since we were dating. I can't imagine never getting to do that again.


At least with some movies, you get some of the story in a book and you get music, too! We especially love the music in the Lord of the Rings movies.


BTW, do you get to read books that you or your family write? We could at least tell good stories!

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I had to choose music. I just couldn't be happy without it playing in the car or during the holidays... and what would Independence Day fireworks shows be without it? Music has been in my life as long as I can remember.


Books are nearly a tie, though. They've been in my life as long as I can remember, too, but I can make up stories!

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Believe it or not I said movies. My dh and I have always had a special thing of watching movies together since we were dating. I can't imagine never getting to do that again.


At least with some movies, you get some of the story in a book and you get music, too! We especially love the music in the Lord of the Rings movies.


BTW, do you get to read books that you or your family write? We could at least tell good stories!



I'm a book nut, but if I had to chose I'd say movies. Movies I can share with others more easily, movies have music (I love a good soundtrack), and there are some good movies based on books. If I didn't like it I could re-write the script, right? :D


I've been a movie nut for a long time. I love digging the finer points out of movies that some people never see. The older I get the more picky I am about what I watch. I don't want to be simply entertained, I want to be challenged, changed, and walk away feeling as if I've been fully engaged for two hours.


ETA: gah! I accidentally hit the books, can't change it. So move one from books to movies. Maybe my subconscious likes books better.

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