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My 12yo DD would like to start volunteering and wants to make it a regular thing for her. I have no idea the options for her age or how to go about finding opportunities in our community. She's great with animals and loves books and talking with adults. Any ideas?


I'd also like to find a one time opportunity for my 7 and 8yo DSs. They play chess, so I was thinking an elderly care home to play with someone but are more shy with adults. I'd love more options for them, too.



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DD17 started volunteering at a local Wildlife Center when she was 12. This center takes in injured wildlife and helps them recuperate, later returning them to the wild. She kept it up once a week until about 1 year ago. It was a great experience for her! Unfortunately, there are not many of these centers in existence, so it is not likely that this will be an option for your daughter. Good luck finding something!

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RegGuheert, we actually do have a Wildlife Center in town (just found, thanks for the idea) but what will she be able to do there? There is a Wildlife Rehabilitator class for our state. She wouldn't have to take that first, would she? There is an advanced WR permit for 16yo+ Interesting, I'll have to keep that in mind for later.


I'll ask my mom to find us a care home. She was an activities director for one in CA.

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This fall my teen dd assisted a swim teacher (for little kid classes). Our town is too small to have a municipal pool and the instructor rents the pool at a local motel (off-season).


It just finished up and frankly I'm relieved - it was a commitment from the whole family to participate (my littles also took lessons) - it took a huge chunk out of our Tuesdays. Aside from that it went well - around here the lessons that are held in the fall and winter are one of the few opportunities for local kids to learn to swim.

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I second the local food bank/pantry option. We have volunteered for years with our local food pantry and my kids have always helped. Often, bulk foods such as oatmeal or rice need to be repackaged into smaller bags and this is something kids can can really help with. Also, stocking shelves with canned goods after food drives is a great task for kids.

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When my dd was 12, we volunteered in the cattery at the animal shelter. Fantastic experience!


Ask if there are volunteer opportunities at the library. There was a young man volunteering for a while at our branch library. He must have been homeschooled because his mom dropped him off, and it was during school hours. :)



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I volunteer at the local no-kill animal shelter with my 11yo and 14yo. Neither one of them would be able to cope with any other kind of shelter situation.


This is something to keep in mind if anyone is considering letting their child volunteer at an animal shelter....my dd12 wants to volunteer at the shelter here, but I know she would fall in love with every single little furry life there and be completely heartbroken if/when any of them were euthanized.


(For that matter, so would I.)

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