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I thought this was sort of humorous....

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I am all out of rep but there are a couple of posts tonight that I really want to sling some rep at. I was afraid that I would forget by the time my rep time out is over. So I decided to send myself a PM to remind myself. But I have my PM set to only allow PMs from folks on my buddy list.


I am NOT one of my buddies. I found that out when I was told that I could not or would not receive a PM from myself. So I had to make myself a buddy of myself so that I could send myself a message. Of course now I and I are buddies, I can just PM back and forth with myself all I want.


But then, if you are still reading you are probably thinking I have a warped sense of humor and who else would want to PM with me anyway??:D

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But then, if you are still reading you are probably thinking I have a warped sense of humor and who else would want to PM with me anyway??


Kelli, actually I have tried to private message you over a post that I saw on the general board, but I can't for the life of me remember what the topic was now.


In general I have PMd people over curriculum or other information that they might find useful, or personal details that are of a nature, say about discipline that I'd prefer not to be public. Sometimes I feel that I'd be hijacking a thread by responding publically and I prefer to PM.


I can see where PMs might be particularly helpful if there is a conflict or miscommunication happening on the board and it's just easier to get one one one with someone and ask them about it rather than doing so in a more tense environment where other people are jumping in with comments that make things worse.


Other times I have PMd someone when I think they might not come back and check the thread (perhaps they weren't the thread starter and the thread is not a popular one, likely to sink to the back pages quickly)


Sometimes there is information that I think they might find useful but I don't want to give it to them publically ("hey, I know what library has a copy of that book, I know it's out of print here's the link") I also emailed someone a link to the only used copy for sale of a particular book and had I made that info public someone else might have gotten it first. So, had any of these people chose not to get PMs they would have not gotten the information at all. I assume that people have thought this all out ahead of time and have really good reasons for not wanting private messages so I'm not going to try to bother them once they've made it clear that they don't want to be bothered and so I'll opt to not to say anything at all rather than post it in public.

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Kelli, actually I have tried to private message you over a post that I saw on the general board, but I can't for the life of me remember what the topic was now.





I am sorry I missed it.


I decided to do that after I gave someone a negative rep (and signed my name to it) and got a little concerned that it would turn into a back and forth thing. I just did not want to go there with this person. As far as I can tell, we don't have the option to just block certain persons from our PM list. I don't know if people on one's ignore list can PM or not. I really don't want to be all private and unfriendly, I just don't want to get into tit for tat situations.


I am going to consider this though and I might change it today.

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I don't know if people on one's ignore list can PM or not.


Well, here's an experiment.


Stick me in your ignore list and PM me to let me know that you did it. I'll try to PM you back a few times. Then take me out of the ignore list and I'll let you know "Yes, I tried it and it wouldn't go through" and we'll know that it worked.


My guess is that putting someone on "ignore" really does result in them not getting to you in any way!:001_smile:

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