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I need some love.. BURNOUT!!

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I am really have a hard time these days.


If it isn't my actual kids in their newly budding pre-teen whatever the funk, my wondering what in the world i am doing with my kids, my own general life, reaching the end of my thirties, my husband being a weird needy insensitive butthead, odd family things, my knee hurting, feeling old, grey hairs, muffin tops, not being in a band anymore, being a sad sack, loathing anything remotely related to housework, impending holidays, and eleventeen OTHER things...


um, I really need to scream at the top of my lungs for a while, a massage, a long hot bubble bath with some sort of sweet decadent cocktail (that if I bought at a bar would be over $20), a magical non gross and painful body wax, cuddly pajamas by tucked in by my kids, get to watch some horrible TV show, and sleep as long as late as I want....

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If money is no object, book yourself into a spa for a weekend and let the "boys" take care of themselves (I mean ALL of them). If money is not spilling all over the place, but you have some to spare, book a hotel room for the night and take a long soak in the tub and bring some of your favorite beverage (the "niceness" of the hotel depends on your level of $$$, however a Motel 6 can do the trick just fine). An afternoon massage? Or, if money is pretty tight, get a mocha latte at the closest coffee shop, preferably one in a bookstore, and give yourself the afternoon off.


Really, we all need to be able to walk away for even a few hours to think (or not think) and recharge. Do it.

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I am really have a hard time these days.


If it isn't my actual kids in their newly budding pre-teen whatever the funk, my wondering what in the world i am doing with my kids, my own general life, reaching the end of my thirties, my husband being a weird needy insensitive butthead, odd family things, my knee hurting, feeling old, grey hairs, muffin tops, not being in a band anymore, being a sad sack, loathing anything remotely related to housework, impending holidays, and eleventeen OTHER things...


um, I really need to scream at the top of my lungs for a while, a massage, a long hot bubble bath with some sort of sweet decadent cocktail (that if I bought at a bar would be over $20), a magical non gross and painful body wax, cuddly pajamas by tucked in by my kids, get to watch some horrible TV show, and sleep as long as late as I want....


Oh, huggy-hugs for you!




I hope things look up for you soon!

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Ohmygosh. You do need some love. I think there is something in the air these days.


Can I tell you that I read your thread title and your name, and immediately the song "video killed the radio star" popped into my head, just like *that*. Shall I go out and kill video for you? Actually, now it's probably digital killed the analog star. Whatever. Let's go TP some houses after your bath.

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Korin honey, you know I adore you. Now think of Brigette's post as a prescription. Doc's orders. And if you can't do that, well, there is always TP as Nicole suggested. Just stay away from the knitting needles. Humor, my dear. You don't need horrible movies so much as funny movies. Think Monty Python or Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther. Probably not Harold and Maude since only a twisted and demented person would watch that oh say 14 times. I can say all of this to you, right?


But seriously, for just a moment, :grouphug: girlfriend. It will get better. I think Nicole is right as usual and that there is something in the air. Or let's pretend it's in the water. You know how in the olden days when the water wasn't safe, you had to drink something strong enough to kill the germs. Perfect rationale for a sweet decadent cocktail.

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Stop thinking of these things as luxuries and putting them at the bottom of your to do list. It is ESSENTIAL to take care of your needs for love, pampering, nurturing...when you are full and overflowing you can be there for your family, and you can actually inspire a difficult dh to his better self...otherwise, you are just going through the motions and while the kids may be kept alive...the joy goes.

Prioritise your own needs....not food and shelter needs- but emotional needs. Dont wait for the people around you to notice or give you some time out- take it. Be selfish, honestly. Then you have something to give.

Says me, who just took a week's retreat, as I do each year, and who just went out alone with friends for a walk and dinner while dh and the kids had home made pizza at home.

I find it is WONDERFUL for my family to actually miss me. When I go away- for a meal or a day or a week- they realise all the work I do. They become more appreciative. They also form different relationships when dad makes dinner or has to deal with day to day stuff. It's healthy for everyone.

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Thanks everyone, I think I needed a good online vent!


It is hard as people who who don't generally have much "me time" to find it when we need it.


Luckily, I don't knit... so no need to worry about the knitting needles!


I did have some eggnog with a tad of whiskey, a bubble bath, watched "muppet shows" with the kids, and got to sleep until 9 am. Not a bad compromise. I do feel a bit better. :)



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