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ETC and AAS or ?


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I had originally planned on not doing a formal spelling program until we finished the ETC series. However, over the last week or so, ds6 is starting to ask why things are spelled the way they are. (ex: why c instead of k or vice versa) He is also drawing on his white board and wanting to spell everything he is drawing. I'm thinking this is a good time to harness all this curiosity and start a spelling program.


He is just beginning book 3 of ETC. I have looked at AAS and think that maybe he would like this because of the hands-on approach. (we use MUS and it works very well for him) However, he does not bat and eye about workbooks either.


So what are some suggestions that would complement ETC? AAS, SWO, others???


Thanks so much!

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it's so good for a visual learner.


This is why I think it will work so well for ds. I have looked at a few of the others and AAS keeps standing out. I have looked for it used, but it seems to get snatched up pretty quick once someone lists it.

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Spelling Workout has been a success with our DS. The things I like about it are:


1. It gives the list words in a clear format in a box to the side of the page. DS can go over them anytime he wants very quickly.


2. It uses several different ways to spell the words. For instance, the last letter might need to be filled in. Then it progresses to using the correct word in a sentence. At the end of the spelling lesson is a writing assignment.


It has worked well for us so far. DS has needed a little extra help with some sight words. For that, I got a Spectrum Sight words book and he enjoys doing the activities.

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Spell to Write and Read might be another program to look into.


It moves fast into the rules/phonograms - which might be better for a very curious boy. Just don't feel the need to do EVERY SINGLE thing in the book....although he'd likely have fun with most of the enrichments if he's asking for spelling.

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...over the last week or so, ds6 is starting to ask why things are spelled the way they are. (ex: why c instead of k or vice versa)


Since he is asking why things are spelled the way they are, I would strongly recommend All About Spelling. That is one of the strengths of the program. I myself love finding out why, and this program tells you! I think it would complement ETC very nicely. :)

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Piggybacking on the OP question - so would you recommend doing ETC together with AAS? Waiting until done with ETC 3 or 4 and reading strongly before going to AAS? Dropping ETC and just doing AAS?


AAS is helping my second dd with reading, so I think it's great to start it around 1st grade, maybe even K. She's doing ETC 2 right now and is finishing up AAS Level 1. It's a good mix for her.

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Piggybacking on the OP question - so would you recommend doing ETC together with AAS? Waiting until done with ETC 3 or 4 and reading strongly before going to AAS? Dropping ETC and just doing AAS?



I think you could easily do both. They don't follow the exact same sequence, so if you have an LD student there is the potential for confusion (though many LD students could still follow the difference). Honey Dew is finishing up AAS Level 1 and just started ETC level 4.


Ideally I would do the Get Ready, Set, Go for the code books first because AAS doesn't have a formal system for introducing the letter sounds in words, other than the games and going through the cards. String Bean is on that stage now.


After that the ETC 1, 2 and 3 books would go fairly well with Level 1, and the ETC 4, 5, and 6 go with AAS Level 2 and up.


If you really want a full program with readers and hands on I hear Preventing Academic Failure is good, and schedules the ETC books as an extra.



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