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Depression during pregnancy?

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This is the first time I have experienced this and I can say it has not been pleasant! I have managed to keep it under control until the last 2 weeks or so. I only have 5 more weeks until my scheduled c-section so that is a bonus.


However I am worried that because the depression is already there that I may have postpartum depression even worse than I usually do.


Has anyone had any experience with this? Did you have depression worse after the baby? Did it all magically go away?

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I was depressed the last month or more of my last pregnancy. My due date was all messed up and so i was waiting for a month longer than i expected. not fun. My PPD was pretty much normal (which for me is bad). Compounded by a ton of life events as well. Sorry you are feeling this way. It is NOT fun. :grouphug:

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Sometimes it does get better after the baby is born. Sometimes it gets worse.


There is a very strong connection to depletion of Omega 3's and depression in pregnancy/postpartum. Omega 3's are needed for mental health and babies take them from the mommy. You need very high doses for it to be effective, so do your homework. I took Salmon Oil Plus from GNLD. It has the full spectrum of fatty acids instead of 1 or 3. I am not sure how much difference it makes, but I wanted to be safe. Udo's organic oil is very good too. My friend took that.

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Sometimes it does get better after the baby is born. Sometimes it gets worse.


There is a very strong connection to depletion of Omega 3's and depression in pregnancy/postpartum. Omega 3's are needed for mental health and babies take them from the mommy. You need very high doses for it to be effective, so do your homework. I took Salmon Oil Plus from GNLD. It has the full spectrum of fatty acids instead of 1 or 3. I am not sure how much difference it makes, but I wanted to be safe. Udo's organic oil is very good too. My friend took that.


Good to know. I have been out of my normal oil for a couple of months and just have forgotten to pick some up. I will add that to Tuesdays list!

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I feel for you. I have never had post partum depression, but I did have depression during my last pregnancy. It got pretty bad and I did take medication for about 20 days. I started feeling better, so I didn't take any more. By the time our son was born I felt pretty good. BUT during that time I had a taste of what post partum would be like. I was VERY grateful that the only child I had at home was a quiet and independent 13yog. I don't know if I would have done as well, if I had never taken anything or not. I chose to take some meds. for the sake of my dd and dh. I don't ever want to feel that way again.


I don't know if you will feel better or not, but if you have experienced ppdepression, then it might be wise to get some extra help lined up ahead of time. I know I couldn't have handled a baby, when I felt so depressed, so if I thought I could feel that way after the birth, I would get help.


What does your doctor think? Just be sure to discuss it with your medical help. And most of all, I hope it disappears quickly for you. :)

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I had depression during my last pregnancy, partly due to dietary restrictions, mostly SAD. I was just getting to the point where I thought I'd have to go and get help when the weather perked up and I did too. No post partum depression though, thank goodness. Not even the baby blues, and that is with a family history of depression! I was thanking my lucky stars about that...



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Talk with your doc. He can prescribe something that can help and won't cross the placenta.

DON'T take herbal supplements like St. John's Wort because a lot of them can cause bleeding problems.


I did have depression at the end of my last pregnancy and it did not get better, only worse, after the baby was born.


You also could try exercising everyday and getting into the sunshine at least 10 minutes a day. They both help to increase the "good feeling" hormones that your body makes on it's own.


There is no shame in depression. We don't choose depression, it is a medical condition caused by a chemical deficiency and if you don't get help it is a downward spiral that feeds on itself. You know, you're depressed so you fell bad, you feel bad which leds mor a deeper depression, and so on and so on.



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When I researched depression I learned that the amount of Fatty Acids in Udo's was just right. I had to take about 10 of my fish oil caps to match it, so I would guess that you need much more. Here is the lowdown on the Udo's:

Take 1 Tbsp or more a day with meals (up to 1 Tbsp per 50 lbs of body weight per day). Amount in 1 T: Polyunsaturated Fat 9 g Monosaturated Fat 3 g Omega-3 ALA (alpha-linolenic) 6 g †Omega-6 LA (linoleic acid) 3 g †GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) 13 mg Omega-9 OA (oleic acid) 3 g


I am not trying to push the Udo's, I just remember the serving size and amount being the correct dose per the clinical trials on depression and fatty acids that I read earlier. I actually think fish oil is a better choice. If you use Flax seed oil then your body has to take the one kind of Omega 3 and process it into the different types. With fish oil the different types are already there.

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Thank you all for the advise and support. Tomorrow I have a Dr. appointment and this will be my main priority! I am just drained and can no longer handle it. I normally am pretty anti medication (unless nesseccary!) but I do believe that I have entered the realm of nesseccary in this case. I dread postpartum for fear it will get worse.....


Anyway thanks everyone, I am off to read about omega 3's. :)

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Yes! I have had depression during pregnancy. I was surprised because I had never heard of it before and I was quite glad to be pregnant and even planned to have my first three children. But the depression hit me hard. I thought of it as being on emotional bedrest.


I did not have any postpartum depression.


In my case, I think low Vitamin D, general tiredness, and intense all-day throwing up had a great part in it.


We can tell you what might alleviate it, specific vitamins, exercise, sunlight exposure, etc., but it isn't like you necessarily have the time or inclination to implement it, right? Could your husband help get you on a treatment plan so you don't feel the responsibility all on your own? And anti-depressants have their own side-effects that sometimes takes a few trials to figure out the right combination or dosage. Insomnia is one the main ones that made me resist going that route.


I hope you are able to find some relief.

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I read an article once that said that depression during pregnancy is even more common than PPD!:001_huh:


I did have depression during pregnancy with my 4th child. I finally caved and started taking Zoloft about halfway through - I wasn't real crazy about it, but I did want to actually SURVIVE, so I went ahead and took it. I was still on it postpartum, so it's hard to say if I would have experienced PPD as well.


I have had 3 pregnancies and 2 births since then (I'm due in 7 weeks with the 3rd;) ) and haven't had any depression since then. Go figure.


In my research, I've found that yep, the Omega-3s and natural progesterone are the biggies when it comes to depression/PPD.

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I went to the Dr. today and let him know all the issues that I have been dealing with. We talked over all the options and he was not comfortable with suggesting medication. He reccommened the Omega 3 fish oil and Vit. D. I am supposed to take a specific amount of those each day plus I need to bump up my exercise to 45 min a day.


He said that I should notice some difference but if I dont and things get worse to call ASAP and we will reevaluate.


I have to say after talking through everything with him and with the research I did yesterday I am pleased with this. The hardest part of it all will be the exercise but I made sure I told dh that was the most important part. :) Now he will push me out of bed if need be.


Dh and I talked last night and he will be taking over hsing dd until the first of the year. This should relieve a lot of the stress I am feeling (and probably help her with some issues we are seeing).


Anyway thanks for all the info you shared. I am hopefull that everything will start looking up here soon.

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Sounds like you have a great doctor. I am sure you'll feel much better soon. Just curious, what doses did he suggest you take of omega and Vit.D?




He suggested at least 1000 IU of the vit D but up to 2000 was even better. The omegas he recommended to take 3 capsules 1 day and to make sure they were enteric release. (This makes it so the capsules release in the intestines instead of the stomach so I wouldnt have nasty heartburn and fish burps!!)


I dont know if it is coincidence or not but I have noticed an improvement already. The first 2 days were much of the same but Friday and today I really have felt like my old self.

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That is a children's dose of Vitamin D. I would up it for sure during gestation and/or lactation.



He mentioned that the last he read in a reliable study about Vit D, was that children need 400 IU, while any adult living north of L.A. needs the 2000 IU.


What numbers do you have for childrens vs. adults dose? I haven't looked into this week yet but I did ask him if I could take more without risk. He said definatly, especially where I am not a big milk drinker or other fortified food type person.

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What numbers do you have for childrens vs. adults dose? I haven't looked into this week yet but I did ask him if I could take more without risk. He said definatly, especially where I am not a big milk drinker or other fortified food type person.


This is from the Vitamin D Councils website:


What We Recommend


If you use suntan parlors once a week or if you live in Florida and sunbathe once a week, year-round, do nothing. However, if you have little UVB exposure, my advice is as follows: healthy children under the age of 1 years should take 1,000 IU per day—over the age of 1, 1,000 IU per every 25 pounds of body weight per day. Well adults and adolescents should take 5,000 IU per day. Around 2–3 months later have a 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test, either through ZRT or your doctor.

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