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Can I freeze baked cookies?

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Yep, you sure can! When we make chocolate chip cookies, we usually make a quadruple bath and freeze them the second they are cool enough to put in a ziploc. Some of my family members even prefer the cookies frozen.


My aunt and her sisters always make the most elaborate and delicious Christmas cookie plates. She told me they get together several times before Christmas and just freeze the cookies as they go. I'd have never guessed.


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We do this and the frozen cookies are fine. If I'm going to give them away, I go ahead and put them on a paper plate (not a gigantic one) and then slip it into a gallon-size freezer bag. Winco even has decorated ziploc freezer bags if you want to be festive. If the cookies are just extras that we will eat, I skip the plate and just put them in a freezer bag. And frozen cookies thaw pretty quickly--within a half hour I would say.

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you freeze cookies and cookie dough. Sometimes, I mix up HUGE batches of cookie dough, bake some and freeze the rest of the dough. If I have time I freeze cookie dough balls...so all I have to do is pop the cookies dough on the cookie sheet and bake, but I have also just put a bunch in a container and freeze...but then you have to think far enough ahead to thaw the whole container before baking.

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Of course! How do you think I have 18 different types of cookies on my yearly holiday cookie platters? Note - not all cookies will freeze well, but sounds like what you made will do so. I use plastic bags in boxes (Amazon boxes are great!) - I remove as much air as I can before sealing the bag then place it in a box. the boxes stack in the freezer w/o squishing the cookies inside. I write on the box what type/s are inside. A couple days before Christmas I take all the cookies out and make my trays - the frozen cookies thaw as they are on the plates just fine.

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Of course! How do you think I have 18 different types of cookies on my yearly holiday cookie platters? Note - not all cookies will freeze well, but sounds like what you made will do so. I use plastic bags in boxes (Amazon boxes are great!) - I remove as much air as I can before sealing the bag then place it in a box. the boxes stack in the freezer w/o squishing the cookies inside. I write on the box what type/s are inside. A couple days before Christmas I take all the cookies out and make my trays - the frozen cookies thaw as they are on the plates just fine.


Curious minds want to know--what are the 18 kinds of cookies??


:bigear: :drool5:

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Yes - you can definitely freeze gingerbread, both frosted and plain! We do this all the time. But if you freeze frosted gingerbread, it's better if you can do it flat on a tray. Otherwise, the frosting goes through a sticky phase again when the cookies are defrosting and it makes a big mess if they are overlapping.


You can also make up the gingerbread cookie dough and freeze that if you don't want to make the cookies right away.


(BTW - works for sugar cookies too!)

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