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sore spot on bottom of foot?!?!

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I recently tore the tendons in my left foot so I had to use crutches for many weeks. Now that my foot is healed, I have a very sore spot on my right foot. It is on the ball just below big toe. I can feel a small hard bump and it is very painful to the touch. Does anyone know what this could be and how I can treat it. I have had it now for a few weeks and it doesnt seem to be healing on its own.

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I tore my PTT the tendon that starts at the bottom of the foot and runs up above your ankle. I had a sore spot, about the size of a dime, on the bottom of my foot where the tendon connected to the bone. I had to have surgery to correct the problem. Go to a good doctor in your area; I saw four before I found one I liked. I ended up going to a podiatrist after having gone to ankle and foot ortho guys. It has not been fun.

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I have this, although mine is just to the left of my big toe. When it is flared up it can be so painful that I don't even want to walk across the room. The good news is, if I wear the shoes I'm supposed to, I have no trouble at all. (Thank goodness for New Balance shoes!)


My family doc said to avoid surgery if at all possible...the fail rate is high, and it can be a painful recovery.

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I have this, although mine is just to the left of my big toe. When it is flared up it can be so painful that I don't even want to walk across the room. The good news is, if I wear the shoes I'm supposed to, I have no trouble at all. (Thank goodness for New Balance shoes!)


My family doc said to avoid surgery if at all possible...the fail rate is high, and it can be a painful recovery.


I read the info you provided and it was sounding like it but then it said thee is normally no outward sign of this. Thee is very clearly a bump you can see on my foot. Do you have this?

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I can feel my neuroma as a bump inside the foot (vs. something on the skin surface/outside). Mine is not in that spot but it's not in the typical morton's neuroma spot either. Mine came up after a stint on crutches as well with a cut tendon in the opposite foot.


I hope it's a planter's wart instead. But I'd go to a podiatrist. I wish I hadn't waited so long as I don't think my foot will ever be 100%. But they can do a shot to give it a chance to heal and special shoe inserts to take the pressure off that area.

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I can feel my neuroma as a bump inside the foot (vs. something on the skin surface/outside). Mine is not in that spot but it's not in the typical morton's neuroma spot either. Mine came up after a stint on crutches as well with a cut tendon in the opposite foot.


I hope it's a planter's wart instead. But I'd go to a podiatrist. I wish I hadn't waited so long as I don't think my foot will ever be 100%. But they can do a shot to give it a chance to heal and special shoe inserts to take the pressure off that area.


Unfortunatley I do not have insurance. What kind of shoes and inserts have helped?

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If it's a plantar wart, they are very very tenacious. Try a multi-pronged approach of Compound W (the patches are best) and tea tree oil and duct tape. You can also take Tagamet--it's an antacid but has been effective for some warts. If you've had no luck in 3 months you'll need something stronger.


If it's an internal tendon problem, I found a wonderful, cheap OTC arch support that is just as effective as my expensive, custom-made orthotics. It's called WalkFit and I found them at Target. I also really like Chaco sandals for summer--the arch support is perfect for my feet.

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Just my two cents regarding warts. When my children had them I did a lot of research and discovered that everyone carries around the wart virus but when your immune system gets run down the virus can thrive. Sounds like you need a good multi-vitamin that includes a, e, zinc and vitamin c. do a little research on what specific vitamins boost the immune system. My daughters planters warts took 4 months to go away with nutrition (vitamin approach). We did not have them cut out or frozen. They just disappeared. She had 3 plantar warts and 10 regular warts all over her fingers. the ones on her fingers only took 2 months to disappear. Thought I would share that with you. Ruby

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