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Primary sources in the logic stage?


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I realize that I've got a bit to go until we get to the logic stage, but I've been reading some of the logic stage suggestions for my own education. The Jackdaw publications suggested in TWTM are kind of expensive. Is there a place that I can look online to find primary sources or a book that contains a collection of primary sources? I don't have access to an English library so I'd prefer to find something online for free.


Also, how many of you use primary sources during the logic stage? I was rereading my copy of TWTM (1st edition) and really like the idea of using one main spine along with the World Book Encyclopedia and primary sources. Thanks for any help you can give :).

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

We're not there yet either but I do want to recommend a book I've found to be an incredible resource, Social Studies that Sticks. This is a wonderful book about how to teach history in grades 3-8 which relies heavily on primary sources to bring lessons to life. It lists a great number of places to obtain primary source documents. You can read a large sample of the book here.

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This time around, I'm using Spielvogel's World History: The Human Odyssey, a high school level history book. There are usually 2-3 primary sources in each chapter with accompanying questions. There is also an additional book called Primary Sources in World History, meant to accompany the Spielvogel, which has different sources and accompanying questions.


To clarify, I'm not using this text with my 6th grader. I made copies of the primary sources, and put the copies in his history notebook. The text can be found pretty cheaply on Amazon.


My high schooler is using a book called Sources of the Western Tradition. I *think* it's a college book?????? It does not includes primary sources from all cultures, but does include snippets of just about any and every thing western. It also includes some discussion questions. You could use this with a logic-stage student, I think.


I also have another book that is specific to the Renaissance/Early Modern period (that is in a box somewhere). It's a high school level book from a regular textbook publisher. If you search "primary sources" or the Sources of the Western Tradition on Amazon and put anything like that into your cart, you'll get to a page that says, "people who purchased this, also looked at..." and I think that's how I found the Early Modern book. (I'm pretty sure I found the Sources book after buying Spielvogel at Alibris.)



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I have been using the WTM since it first came out in 1999, and bought some Jackdaws for my two oldest. IMHO, they were not worth the money. We found them cumbersome to use, and the writing projects were not that great. If you're using the WTM, you might find that just doing an internet search on primary sources to be your best bet. Most of these are easily accessed that way.


I've since sold my Jackdaws, and don't miss them a bit for using with our younger children.


Just my $0.02.



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I would absolutely love to get TOG, especially if they are using primary sources! Only problem is that I live overseas and I have no access to a library. For now the cost of it all keeps me from buying it :glare:. However now that number 2 is on it's way and I will have a perfect 8 year gap between them, maybe I should take another look ;).

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Have you ever visited any of the TOG Yahoo groups? I just did a search on the TOG Loose Threads site, and saw that there are some overseas families using TOG that post there. One in particular said that they've chosen to go with TOG because they live overseas and don't want to worry about shipping costs, so they are using the DE edition. They do bring in as many of the resource books as they can -- I think she said in small monthly shipments. She also said that some of the Christian themed books have to be brought in or forwarded from their US address, but I'm sure that you could post there to find out more and share some ideas if you want to.


Blessings as you search for the right fit for you and your family.



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Oh, so not fair :)! I have drooled over TOG for a year and a half now! I had ruled it out because it was such a huge investment for just one, but now with number two on it's way and the DE edition...


Hopefully I'll sell enough programs next year so that I can buy it :)! Thanks Lucinda for reminding me about the TOG option.

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I am considering America: A Narrative for my dd in 9th grade.





This site has resources to go along with the book. If you check under the research section of each chapter there are documents here for American History.




We actually have the 6th edition and I printed my documents from this site. They are in a pdf so they print nicely.


HTH a little

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