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It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!!! TONIGHT!

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We have the Christmas and Easter special on DVD. I really, really, really try to limit their viewing of them to around the associated holidays -- call me a Grinch (we have that one, too).


I'm just SO sentimental about all of the Charlie Brown specials! Isn't it funny how as kids we looked forward ALL YEAR LONG to see a special? Then it was gone and we had to wait an ENTIRE year to see it again? Remember how they used to be sponsored by Dolly Madison? And that swirly "CBS SPECIAL" graphic would come on right before? You KNEW it was going to be good!

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My girls laughed hysterically at Snoopy flying his Sopwith Camel! I have NOOOOO idea why.


My husband and I agreed, though, that not many kids of this generation are going to have any idea why the songs that Schroeder played, and Snoopy marched and cried to, were so meaningful. Glad I'm homeschooling so my kids will learn about WWI.


The funny thing is that I enjoy it MORE when it runs on television. I'm sure it is a nostalgia thing.


Just the sound of their voices, the style, and the music gives me the warm fuzzies.


I completely agree.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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I have such fond memories of these specials too. I remember how excited my brother and I got when we saw the swirly logo, because you knew it was going to be something great!


We don't own this one, but we do own the Christmas one. And we have all the classic Christmas specials, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Rudolph, etc.


I also agree about limiting them. I pack away all holiday videos/cds/books with the decorations, so that they will be a treat that is only available that one time of year. However, it does seem more special to actually catch it on t.v.


I LOVE this time of year and all the holiday specials!:D

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