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Can someone answer this about Tamiflu?

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Is Tamiflu something the Dr gives you in the office? Or is it a prescription?


And is it dangerous?


My 11 yo I think might be coming down with the flu now, and if she is I would like to get her into pediatrician tomorrow and get this for her if it isn't found dangerous.


I just gave her a tube of that Oscill.....(cannot spell it). She has asthma so I worry.



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It's capsules. How much it costs depends on your prescription coverage- full price is a bit over $100. Mine was $50 because that's my co-pay for name brand top tier prescription drugs.


You take 2 a day for 5 days. And it needs to be started in the first 48 hours of symptoms.

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Is Tamiflu something the Dr gives you in the office? Or is it a prescription?


And is it dangerous?


My 11 yo I think might be coming down with the flu now, and if she is I would like to get her into pediatrician tomorrow and get this for her if it isn't found dangerous.


I just gave her a tube of that Oscill.....(cannot spell it). She has asthma so I worry.




My family took it years ago without any problems. They key is that it must be at the early onset of the flu. There were cases in Japan where there were issues. A quick Google search will pull it up.

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There are reports of adverse events in kids. Just like any drug, there can be adverse effects. I think someone HERE even had some adverse events with her child (can't remember who, though). My kids pediatrician had this to say about it when I asked him:


They don't give tamiflu to kids for the flu. In the case of H1N1, they are only giving it to kids who have underlying health conditions, but still leaving it up to the parent. They will prescribe it to otherwise healthy kids, if the parent asks for it AND so long as a flu test is POSITIVE. That is the kicker. A lot of the flu tests are not positive, even when it is the flu.


He also said that tamiflu does NOT do much more than take a day off the symptoms. Dr. Mercola's website (that most everyone here distrusts) says that it will help the virus not move to the lungs. My doctor said mucinex is good to use to keep the lungs clear.

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I do not recommend taking it to prevent the flu. I did, but my daughter was too young at the time to do so. Once my dh and eldest dd was over the flu, my youngest got it, but I was finished with my Tamiflu. So, I got the flu too.


I don't think they allow this anymore anyway.


Yep. A friend was telling me, just a week or so ago, that this was her experience too.

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He also said that tamiflu does NOT do much more than take a day off the symptoms.


That certainly was not the case with me. I started tamiflu about 18 hours after my symptoms began and the tamiflu essentially knocked my flu out. I would imagine it has less effect the later it's started after the onset of symptoms.


I wouldn't use tamiflu with a child very lightly though given the side effects of hallucinations. That concerned me. I, myself, had no side effects whatsoever.

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That certainly was not the case with me. I started tamiflu about 18 hours after my symptoms began and the tamiflu essentially knocked my flu out. I would imagine it has less effect the later it's started after the onset of symptoms.


I wouldn't use tamiflu with a child very lightly though given the side effects of hallucinations. That concerned me. I, myself, had no side effects whatsoever.


He is a pediatrician, so maybe he was just speaking for kids? I don't know. We have never taken it and have no personal experience. I am so glad it worked for you so fast...especially with you expecting twins!

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That certainly was not the case with me. I started tamiflu about 18 hours after my symptoms began and the tamiflu essentially knocked my flu out. I would imagine it has less effect the later it's started after the onset of symptoms.


I wouldn't use tamiflu with a child very lightly though given the side effects of hallucinations. That concerned me. I, myself, had no side effects whatsoever.

:iagree: with Emmy. It knocked the flu right out of us. We were symptom free within a day or two. My children were very young at the time, and they did not hallucinate.

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Thank you everyone. Actually, the pediatrician call me an hour ago, and since my 11 yo has a low grade fever, coughing, and a headache, she immediately called in Tamiflu for her. My 11 yo has asthma, like my 16 yo does.


I am nervous about it, but I am more nervous about this getting in her lungs. My 16 yo has been hacking and coughing so badly for 5 days now. We were not able to get the Tamiflu in time for her.


Oh, and my insurance pays for this 100%, thank goodness. We also have a script for Flo-Vent which is a prednisone based inhaler.


The ped said that many adults over the age of 40 is not coming down with this as much as kids, since it seems as if #1. We are more cautious of better hygiene and #2 For some reason, some adults may already have some sort of immunity to it.


Not sure how true that it, but I have been walking around with Lysol, alcohol wipes, and hand gels everywhere.


I still have my 19 yo. He works in fast food, so who knows. I know he hasnt been home much here, so if he gets it, probably will be more from work then here.



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Tamiflu has done wonders for our flu. We were given it after testing positive for the flu (at the hospital).


What I find interesting is that a few of my friend's children are also sick with flu symptoms. Each was taken to their family dr, but no flu test was given. They were sent home and told to rest.

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We were given a prescription. Our province is covering the cost for those given it, HOWEVER it is in short supply. They did not have the suspension at all for my 2 yr old, instead I have to break open the caplets into a spoonful of something sweet to give it to her. We only got 1/2 of what ds needed and need to go back for the rest. I did not request it, it was offered. My kids do not have other underlying health concerns that would make flu dangerous, but we were there within 10 hours of onset of symptoms and dr felt it would be good to give the kids.


ds6 and I who do not have symptoms are not taking it as a preventative measure only the ones with flu are taking it.

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Well I just picked it up and ended up getting the liquid since that is all they had. Which is fine with me.


I just gave her the first dose tonight, and I am watching. Oh, and the script was $102.00 but our insurance paid all of it. Thank goodness.


Thank you ladies for all of your help and advice:D

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My girls were diagnosed with Type A flu over Labor Day weekend. The flu (likely H1N1) hit early here in the South. They were given Tamiflu within one day of onset, and they recovered beautifully. They continued fever for about another 36 hours, and never had lingering cough, etc. We did keep an eye on one dd for a secondary infection b/c her congestion was a little worse, but we never needed the antibiotics. They had no side effects from the Tamiflu, and I was a little concerned because they were so young. But it's over now, and hopefully they have some immunity.

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That's good to hear. I feel AWFUL that I didn't get Tamiflu in time for my 16 yo. Geesh, she has been down and out since Thursday. Bad cough still. That darn asthma. But she did get double ear infection on top of all of this. Today was the first day her temp was down to 98.9. Without any Ibuprofren. I hope she is on the mend.


Now watching 11 yo. This stuff is scary.


And I am worried about sending my 16 yo back to school when it's time(which is not until Monday at the earliest. So she will have missed 6 days.)


Sure wish this would all be over and done with.

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