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SCARY: Snakes (WARNING: photo)

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They're even having exotic snake catching classes here in So. FL because of them eating the endangered species (plus being a danger to humans!) There's also talk of not allowing importation of the exotics anymore.


The whole thing gives me the willies! The article said that alot of this is b/c exotic snakes that folks have as pets have gotten loose -- OHHHHHHH, the willies again.

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So far, yes.


We need more people like you, to go catch the things while the rest of us stand on chairs in our homes going 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!'





Granted, this one wasn't nearly so big, but:


In high school, our biology class went on a field trip... to an actual field... Anyway, my biology teacher caught a bull snake, around 4 or 5 feet long, and I was the only person who would hold it for the picture. I tried to get it to wrap around my arm for the picture, but it didn't like that and hissed a bit, so I just held it up. Terrible picture (of me) but it ended up in the yearbook.

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Granted, this one wasn't nearly so big, but:


In high school, our biology class went on a field trip... to an actual field... Anyway, my biology teacher caught a bull snake, around 4 or 5 feet long, and I was the only person who would hold it for the picture. I tried to get it to wrap around my arm for the picture, but it didn't like that and hissed a bit, so I just held it up. Terrible picture (of me) but it ended up in the yearbook.

See, vital to our mental-wellbeing. THANK YOU!

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I don't mind snakes, but I DO mind that these snakes are not being controlled and thus wreaking havoc on our ecosystems when they shouldn't be here in the first place.


Now spiders... that's a whole different story!!! They scare me!!!

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So am I the only one who likes snakes and would like to be in the guy's position in the picture?


No, you're not. I thought about posting that I'd love to have my picture taken with it but then mentally edited it out before the thought made it to my fingers. I have a photo of me holding a snake roughly 7 feet long... it was draped around the back of my neck and over my outstretched arms. They had to take that picture FAST because my arms weren't going to hold up long under that much snake! And I wouldn't do that again, either. It was just for the photo op. The snake's owners/handlers were on either side of me for 'just in case' purposes... ;)

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So am I the only one who likes snakes and would like to be in the guy's position in the picture?


No, I too would rather enjoy hunting/catching them.

They also make great shoes and many snakes taste quite good, but I have not seen any good recipes for python.

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Go out in search of the giant snake that ate little fluffy next door, no thank you.



Now if by "fluffy" you mean that yipping, yapping, coddled, overgrown rat that runs around dressed in a little sweater and booties and resides in a purse..... all I can say is GO SNAKE!!!!!

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Now if by "fluffy" you mean that yipping, yapping, coddled, overgrown rat that runs around dressed in a little sweater and booties and resides in a purse..... all I can say is GO SNAKE!!!!!


:lol: good point, now if the snake got my kitty cat, it would be war, and I would be out hunting (an possibly putting in a certain neighbor's backyard. ;)

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