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Library use

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I've often wished I could earn "frequent flier miles" on my library card. I've become such a preferred client at my public library that they know all of my family by name and now renew my books without me even asking.


I think they've even started ordering things they know I'll be studying. I've been noticing more offerings in ancient history than I found on my first searches last spring.


I know I've boosted their circulation numbers. Currently I have over 70 books checked out and over 100 on hold. My hold books will arrive on Friday. I swear, it's better than Amazon!


Anyone else want to join me in cheering for the public library system and the thousands of dollars it is saving me as I home school?


Hip Hip Horray!

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We also LOVE the library.


Just this week, 12dd and I went to Shipshewana, IN. The hotel internet was down but they suggested that I go to the public library where they would let hotel guest use the internet for 1 hour a day for free. Some things (like facebook) were blocked but I could check email, etc. That was SO nice as my friend's father is in ICU and I wanted updates.


Their library was SO cute. It was an old 1 room school that they had moved into town and restored. It had the higher ceilings, hardwood floors, etc. They had a VERY large section of Christian books as well-----as Amish woman was browsing in there while we were there.


We use the library just 1 township over from us. The library district that we are in is not as friendly. It is larger but the small township library is VERY friendly, waives fines often for us, orders us books we want, has a great Christian fiction section, etc.


Even with paying some fines and 1-2 lost books a year, we still come out WAY ahead of what we would pay if we had to think about buying any new books.

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When our family walks into the local library, I feel like we're walking into Cheers (if you ever watched the show) - "where everybody knows your name".



I understand exactly what you mean! When we moved here some seven years ago, the first person who addressed me by name (apart from family) was one of the librarians. I went home and said to my husband, "I've now arrived. Someone knows my name!"




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We have cards to 8 different library systems....not 8 libraries, but 8 systems. THe largest system has 14 branches, most have at least 5 or more, only 1 has just a main branch. We are definitely frequent flyers, lol.


There is one library (the one with the 14 branches) that our little branch has hardly anything....so we are constantly putting things from other branches on hold to be delivered to our branch for pickup. When you walk in the front door the librarians at the desk in the middle of the room look up even when they're helping someone and say "hello". Very friendly. Well, when WE walk in even if we veer off to the stacks first, they get up and go over to the hold bookcases and pull our holds. AND, if we are in the stacks long enough they'll have the holds all processed and checked out to us, lol.


We always stop and talk for a few minutes finding out what's new with them and telling them our latest and greatest. At Christmas we always bring a big box of goodies for everyone....and our two favorite librarians we've learned their birthdays and try to remember to surprise them with cupcakes, lol.


We have such a system going that we never pay fines....we make the circuit of libraries on the same day each week, so we can check the online accounts to renew what's come up due, and return what won't renew. When we hit the library on whatever date we felt like it we were constantly late and paying fines. In the summer when our schedule changes and going the same day each week doesn't happen, I mark the calendar to designate that something is due at the library so I can go online and renew it. While I know the library needs our support, I prefer to donate books that we're done with rather than cash, lol.



I can't imagine how homeschoolers survive without a decent library......and yet so many on this board complain about their poor library. To me, that would be grounds for moving, or actually for having never moved there in the first place, lol.


Each of the kids have cards and most of our cards are maxed out or darn near....we have 2 full size bookcases of nothing but library books. I joke each year when we review our homeowners insurance that we should have a rider for the books because no way will the insurance company pay for several hundred books if they get destroyed by fire or something. But I don't have the courage to call and ask what that would cost, lol.


Viva la Library!

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Yes ma'am! I once apologized for holding up a long line with our family's book pile. The librarian scolded me for it and told me to keep on contributing to their circulation numbers. :)


Today they waived a fee, for no reason. We returned a two vhs tape movie last week, but one of them wasn't in the case when we returned it. Online it was marked as past due, and I just barely got it back in today. I told them when we dropped off our books when we first got there, but on our way out the checkout lady said there weren't any blocks (charges) on our account.

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