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So if you were to write something on your schoolroom walls...what would it be?

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I love the Charlotte Mason quote and want to put it on my wall.




I find that this quote provides some opportunity for essay writing. You are what? You can do what? You ought to do what? You will do what? Etc. And then "Why?" can be added to these too.

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It's long, I know...


Creator of all things,

true source of light and wisdom,

origin of all being,

graciously let a ray of your light penetratethe darkness of my understanding.




Take from me the double darkness

in which I have been born,

an obscurity of sin and ignorance.

Give me a keen understanding,

a retentive memory, and

the ability to grasp things

correctly and fundamentally.

Grant me the talent

of being exact in my explanations

and the ability to express myself

with thoroughness and charm.

Point out the beginning,

direct the progress,

and help in the completion.


I ask this through Christ our Lord.




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Stop Poking Your Brother and Get to Work.




Sadly, my boys have stopped poking each other and have moved on to more stealth forms of torture and distraction. So my wall would read:


Stop Poking Your Brother and Get to Work.


And Don't Even Think About Breathing on Him!


I Hear You Muttering Over There.


Where would it end?

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