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Latin: do I need to do the work alongside my child?


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This year we started using Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Latin and my ds (10) is doing fairly well. However, we have hit a rough patch or two and I am struggling to explain things to him at this point because *I* do not understand it. (It has been 20 years since my 4 years of Latin in high school!)


Would it be better for me to do all the assignments alongside him so we can learn it together? Or do many families assign Latin as an independent study subject? I feel that if we don't get things correct right out of the gate, we are setting ourselves up for even rougher roads ahead.


Any thoughts?


I must also add that we are LOVING Galore Park. Very well laid out and it is explained very well. There are just a few things that I don't remember from high school Latin and the book doesn't *quite* explain those few topics enough for us to understand.

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I started and stopped latin two years in a row because of the same type of situtation as you described. This year I am doing the assignments myself and is going MUCH better. So, yes, I think it helps to do it alongside the students.




I can only teach what I know, and since I don't know Latin I must do what it takes to learn it.

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I read all the explanations out loud to my boys and they do the English to Latin exercises orally with me. I don't know the forms as well as they do, but I have a fair idea of what the problem might be when they hit difficulties. The Galore Park programmes are not designed for a child to learn alone.


Then again: the answer book is my friend.



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This is one of my biggest regrets as a homeschooler. I relied on a co-op to teach Latin and did not learn alongside my dd. When she needed help I could not give it to her, and it made the struggle much, much harder. If I could go back and do it again I would have bought a workbook for myself and done all the assignments right along with her. So, yes, I would advise you to do the same work as your son as you will find it much easier in the long run.

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Thank you so much for all weighing in! I guess I'll be cracking the Latin book this week and work up to the point where my son is ... and maybe even a bit ahead. I have him on "pause" right now for Latin ... just reviewing his Latin flash cards a few times a week to at least keep the vocab fresh ... and I will start him up again once I am caught up.


Again, THANK YOU! :)

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Any thoughts?



Since you are using Galore Park, why not get on their email list and ask questions as you work through the exercises with him? The publisher participates on list and seems happy to answer questions. I'm sure other families using the series would also chime in with their ideas on how to teach certain concepts too. And of course, you can ask here and get ideas from other families learning Latin together about various grammar, syntax and translation points. Learning Latin is a great gift to give yourself and your work on it will be a good example to your son.

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This year we started using Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Latin and my ds (10) is doing fairly well. However, we have hit a rough patch or two and I am struggling to explain things to him at this point because *I* do not understand it. (It has been 20 years since my 4 years of Latin in high school!)


Would it be better for me to do all the assignments alongside him so we can learn it together? Or do many families assign Latin as an independent study subject? I feel that if we don't get things correct right out of the gate, we are setting ourselves up for even rougher roads ahead.


Any thoughts?


I must also add that we are LOVING Galore Park. Very well laid out and it is explained very well. There are just a few things that I don't remember from high school Latin and the book doesn't *quite* explain those few topics enough for us to understand.


While my dd-then11 was doing Latin Prep, I definitely had to do it with her (and she'd already had Latin Prep, and LC1). I did it one chapter ahead of her. I had never had Latin and I rather stink at foreign languages. I made it through Ch. 4, not hard, really, but time consuming for a verybusymom. DD did fine, but we both decided to drop Latin and just do spanish. I don't have the interest/time to teach myself Latin and don't have access to a good tutor.


Spanish seems to be much more doable solo for dd, as she's doing SYRWTL Spanish just fine on her own. We had a great friend/tutor for a few years (moved away a year ago), so she has more of a foundation in it. Plus, spanish is just a sensible language, lol.


Anyway, for us, for Latin, the answer was YES, but for Spanish, NO. So, my dc are studying spanish. :)

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I never had an opportunity to take Latin in my highschool or college careers so I am really enjoying learning Latin with my 11 year old. We are using Latin for Children and he loves to snuggle with my on the couch while we watch our once per week latin lesson, and we do the chants and some of the exercises together every day. I sit next to him on the activity pages and usually run through the quizzes mentally before giving them to him to see what he might struggle with (if I do he probably will but sometimes he corrects me!) I really love this part of homeschool. :)

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