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Stuart Little question

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Okay we finished reading Stuart Little last night. Our copy is an old withdrawn school library copy. I'm confused by the ending. He's just still looking for the bird. Is there supposed to be more to the book? Is our copy funky as in it's part one and the rest is in another copy? Did White write this as a series? Is there supposed to be a SL 2? Or does it just end that way? (which I have to say is sort of disappointing)

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Okay we finished reading Stuart Little last night. Our copy is an old withdrawn school library copy. I'm confused by the ending. He's just still looking for the bird. Is there supposed to be more to the book? Is our copy funky as in it's part one and the rest is in another copy? Did White write this as a series? Is there supposed to be a SL 2? Or does it just end that way? (which I have to say is sort of disappointing)


To me, it was a little too sudden, but as for him still looking for the bird, well, such is life. I just wish there had been a little foreshadowing of it.

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OKay, thank you all. I found where there had been SL 2, but it looked like it had been based on the movies. So that was also part of my confusion.


Boy, that was sort of a disappointing ending. We are going to read CW soon. That's one's better right? I've never actually read the book and the cartoon never really thrilled me as a kid (hence I never bothered with the book).



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Your copy is fine. It's the style White chose for the book. Personally, if I ever read it aloud again, we're stopping a few chapters short of the ending and calling it a day.


I just finished reading it aloud for what must have been the third time. It's never felt disappointing to me. I love that E.B. White didn't feel compelled to tie up the package with a pretty bow, but instead just let the story be...

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OKay, thank you all. I found where there had been SL 2, but it looked like it had been based on the movies. So that was also part of my confusion.


Boy, that was sort of a disappointing ending. We are going to read CW soon. That's one's better right? I've never actually read the book and the cartoon never really thrilled me as a kid (hence I never bothered with the book).




CW is a fantastic, fantastic, wonderful book. Promise!

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It leaves the ending up to the reader. Will he ever find the bird, or spend his life looking?


What I always wondered is why Mr. Little never questioned Mrs. Little a bit more extensively on how she happened to give birth to a mouse. :ohmy:

Michelle T


A wise man knows when an answer may be displeasing or unsatisfactory to just not ask the question.

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