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Cindy in C-ville (K) Update - Please pray

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We've hit a problem. There is a city administrator who is questioning our ability to financially provide for a 7th child. There is no logical reason for her to question this as we are WELL above the U.S. requirements, however we feel certain that there is more to this than meets the eye. Another couple, in which the dh is also a pastor, is facing similar scrutiny from the same official.


Please pray for this woman to relent and just sign the necessary documents for us and this other family. Pray for us to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.


If you want more information, please PM me. I will not be posting more specifics here or on the blog b/c we know that this is a public forum, and we are aware that people in the country from where we are adopting are reading my blog. I have removed my blog addy from my sig line. So, if you don't have that and would like it, PM me as well and I'll be glad to give it to you.


So, please don't mention the country's name here, or the precious one's name whom we are working to adopt. I will continue to post on my blog - honestly, but positively, mostly pictures, stories, etc. Some people are MUCH more careful than I have been, but that's water under the bridge at this point.


Thanks for praying!

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Thank you for all your prayers! A baby step was made today. The city administrator signed off her part. We don't know why she wouldn't sign yesterday and did today. Except that we believe God is working. There really are landmines all around, and so we move forward by faith. We talked to the kids today - so hard. Our littlest, other than "K," just cried on the phone. It's tearing me up! So, dh and I are down at the cafe enjoying a glass of wine and calamari. He's reading Hemingway, while I catch up here. PLEASE keep praying. We have no idea what will come tomorrow, but we know the One who does!

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