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What curriculum have you sold then re-purchased?

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I saw a thread about this a long time ago, and I'd like to get one going again. Today I restarted Writeshop with ds. We had used Writeshop I, then I decided to switch to IEW. After struggling with that, I decided to go back to Writeshop, but I had already sold the teacher's manual. So, I had to buy not only Writeshop II student's book, but also the teacher's book, which covers both I and II. I couldn't find it used and I was desperate to get started. So, who else has bought, sold/given away, and then, after kicking yourself, re-purchased curriculum?

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I saw a thread about this a long time ago, and I'd like to get one going again. Today I restarted Writeshop with ds. We had used Writeshop I, then I decided to switch to IEW. After struggling with that, I decided to go back to Writeshop, but I had already sold the teacher's manual. So, I had to buy not only Writeshop II student's book, but also the teacher's book, which covers both I and II. I couldn't find it used and I was desperate to get started. So, who else has bought, sold/given away, and then, after kicking yourself, re-purchased curriculum?


LOL - I sold and re-bought spelling power last year. I have also sold and re-bought Draw Write Now.

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Rod & Staff English and SOTW, both in my first year of homeschooling.


R&S was sold because I was convinced you had to do everything in the book the way the book said, and my poor DD cried at all the writing. We now do it orally and like it just fine.


SOTW was sold because my DD was just coming out of school and wanted to do American history. I also really like the revised version better, so the selling and re-buying makes a little more sense on this one.


Basically, I found out the hard way that you can use WTM materials in a completely non-WTM way and make yourself miserable. After a few more years homeschooling and some confidence, I was ready to try again, much more successfully this time in both of those areas. I just wish I could stop buying mistakes at this point. I have another list of other things that I have sold with completely NO regrets, but I guess that is another thread!

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I wrote this in the other thread:


Aaaaaah, ISCIWIK (pronounced: iz-key-wick) syndrome.


I Sold Curriculum I Wish I Kept


I do not have that malady. I have IKCISS (pronounced: ick-sis) disorder.


I Keep Cr@p I Should Sell




A related malady:

ISITBIA (pronounced eye-sit-bee-ya)


I Sold It Then Bought It Again.

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I bought and re-sold...several volumes of My Father's World...love the idea, can't make it work...but will probably try again...when my little guys are a little older....


TOG....twice Year 2 & Year 4....I get brain freeze from that one....




Me too!!:lol: We did end up using MFW 1st grade, and I am convinced I will somehow integrate Adventures into my plans. Also, Living Books Curriculum. We tried it when I very first started hsing, and it was too intimidating. Now, I can handle it-but I still don't use all of it. It's like a guide.

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SOTW and Biblioplan. Started with SOTW. Added in Biblioplan. Tried TOG for 3 weeks (thankfully I sold it on eBay for what I paid, minus shipping), moved to TQ, which is where I would have stayed had I stayed in VA-USA. Have now come full-circle - and my poor DD is just in 3rd grade :lol: - and am back to SOTW & Biblioplan. Couldn't be happier! For now...

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My dh has told me (thankfully) not to sell curriculum until I know my dc have outgrown it (even if I think I know I won't use it :lol:). This has saved me a few times! However, I have sold and then repurchased, "Managers of Their Chores" (only to sit once again on the shelf and not be used.... sigh...).



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My dh has told me (thankfully) not to sell curriculum until I know my dc have outgrown it (even if I think I know I won't use it :lol:).


Yes! I was going to sell the IEW so I wouldn't feel so bad about re-buying Writeshop, but I'm afraid I may want to use something in it. But it is so hard not to post it on the for sale board because I really can't see us trying to work with it again. I gave it all of last school year and 3 months of this year.

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My dh has told me (thankfully) not to sell curriculum until I know my dc have outgrown it (even if I think I know I won't use it :lol:). This has saved me a few times!


:iagree:This is what my DH has said too. I have about 5 huge totes of stuff in the storage shed because I like to look and buy. Yet I am crazily attached to my curriculum that even when I look away I always end up going back. That said I am keeping everything I buy until baby boy is too old to use it just in case I get it in my head to try something else again.

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