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Air Travel with a 4 year old...

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Hi Everyone~


Our family (Mom, Dad, 16yo, 13yo and 4yo) will be flying across country soon. We haven't flown since our 4yo was only a year old. That time, we took his carseat with us aboard the plane.


With a now 4yo, do you still take the carseat on the plane? Are there any alternatives for me? His carseat is a Britax Frontier and it's hard enough to get in the car let alone an airplane seat. I'll do it if I have to but I wonder if I can do something else.


ETA: I weighed and measured him this morning. He's 44.5 lbs. and 44.5 inches tall.


Any other 4yo air travel tips are appreciated. We did buy a portable dvd player and a few new dvds to keep him occupied.:)


TIA for any suggestions.

Edited by CAMom
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Hi Everyone~


Our family (Mom, Dad, 16yo, 13yo and 4yo) will be flying across country soon. We haven't flown since our 4yo was only a year old. That time, we took his carseat with us aboard the plane.


With a now 4yo, do you still take the carseat on the plane? Are there any alternatives for me? His carseat is a Britax Frontier and it's hard enough to get in the car let alone an airplane seat. I'll do it if I have to but I wonder if I can do something else.


Any other 4yo air travel tips are appreciated. We did buy a portable dvd player and a few new dvds to keep him occupied.:)


TIA for any suggestions.


a lot of people check them in. You can box it up and have a handle to carry it.


There are a few times when candy and junk aren't an issue for me. Travelling is one of them. I bring dum dums as suckers last longer.

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a lot of people check them in. You can box it up and have a handle to carry it.


There are a few times when candy and junk aren't an issue for me. Travelling is one of them. I bring dum dums as suckers last longer.


If I check the carseat, does he just sit in the airplane seat with nothing while in flight? If not, what do I use for him?


I have no issue with junk! Dum dums are a great idea!:)

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and were referred to this:




I found it available to rent on ebay.


For our little peanut, we decided just to go with the airplane's lap belt during flight and rent a booster with our rental car when we reached our destination. Our dc was very excited at the beginning of the flight (excited-happy, thankfully!), but was lulled to sleep and slept a great deal of the trip. We were ready with snacks, coloring book, games, DVDs, etc.




P.S. I took gum for the pressure (my ears were painful even with!) but I guess she didn't need it since she slept through the descent.

Edited by BamaTanya
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Once you get to your destination will you have a car seat available for him to travel in the car? If so, then I'd leave the car seat home, he'll be fine in the airline seat, just put him in a center or window seat so he's not sticking his hand out for everyone that walks by, lol.


On United and American (perhaps others but those two we've used this year) you can bring the car seat to the gate and ask that it be checked and it will NOT count towards your baggage. We didn't really need for them to sit in the seats, we just didn't want to pay for them as extra baggage, so we took it to the gate and asked. They said we could take it on board or check it, so we checked it without cost. If they'd insisted on charging us, we'd have just taken it on board.


As for things to do....we have a lap table for each of the kids (it has bean bag like bottom but a writing table on top) and coloring supplies (NO markers, lol....color pencils and crayons only). We brought books to read. We let them use an iPOD (since they don't use them at home, just the novelty of listening to stories through headphones gets us a long time, lol).....but typically want something to do with their hands, so we got silly putty. Playdoh is too messy but a couple things of silly putty keeps them going a long time with the story playing. Snacks are essential.....little things that we can dole out one at a time so it takes longer, raisins, fish crackers, baby carrots, dried fruit. Unfortunately you can't bring drinks, so we bring their water bottles empty, fill them in the fountain or bathroom once we're past security. I bring along one flavor packet for short flights and two for longer flights and let them alternate plain water with yummy water (LOL) so they stay hydrated. Dole these out slowly too or you'll be trying to cram you and the kid in the airplane toilet which is an acrobatic accomplishment.


We also don't take advantage of the early boarding.....we have assigned seats so we simply wander the gate watching the planes and such until last call and then we go sit down. The less time strapped in the better for my wiggle worms. When we did take their car seats into the plane, DH went ahead during the preboarding to fiddle with the seats since it can take a bit of time, while I had them get that last burst of energy out before we went onboard (just let the flight attendant know why Dad is preboarding and baby is not and they've always been understanding).


Avoid things with small parts that can fall (I bring enough pencils and crayons that we simply retrieve dropped ones when we land). Legos sounds like a brilliant idea until they fell or were thrown. :tongue_smilie:

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I air travel a lot with my kids and have since their births. I would not take the car seat on the airplane - but that's just my personal preference. I usually travel alone (no DH) with 2 kids close in age - so when it was a 4 and 5 year old - I skipped it and checked it in. It also makes it easier for their little legs to hit the seat in front in their seat - so for everyone's mental health - I skip. I also don't use a stroller at that age - so it's a couple carry ons for me and the kids get to carry their jacket (always cold on the airplane) and a stuffed animal.


For travel tips - my method is always less is more and bore them into sleep. Really. I even tell my kids it's nap time on the plane and they get it. I might load an ipod with a couple of kids stories or take a book on tape, but other than that and a favorite stuffed animal (doubles as a pillow) we don't take much. A pad of paper and a few (5) crayons, or a coloring book might be helpful. If you're feeling very generous maybe some small action figure type people (mini Power Ranger guys are good). SkyMall magazine has entertained my kids for hours (I Spy, what would you buy daddy on this page?, etc.). I let the kids know we'll have a snack on the plane brought by the flight attendant - and we wait for that. I carry snacks - but they are strictly for emergencies. Then it's nap time. At 4 the highlight will be the bathroom on the jet - so bring hand sanitizer! Now the kids are older (7 and 8) they pack their own carry on little rolling backpacks and carry all their own stuff.


For travel joy - I always carry hand sanitizer, Imodium, kids and adult tylenol, pepsid complete and kids chewable pepto. Just to be safe. My med kit lives in my carry on bag and the few times I've needed them (so far only for me - LOL!!) I was so glad I had them. With a 4 year old - pack an extra set of bottoms. You'll need the quart sized plastic bags for security - but it's worth it. I always pack a few extra plastic bags - you never know. I bought the expensive travel sizes and it's worth not having to carry anything more than necessary.


It's me personal opinion that air travel is 100 times easier with little kids than car travel. Worst case - get up and walk around. You're not driving - so have fun and enjoy being a passenger on and adventure with your family. Talk to the flight attendants. Go flush the toilet again. It'll be fun!!

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I've seen that and thought about it. It says it's for up to 44 pounds. My guy is 44.5 lbs and 44.5 inches tall. I'm starting to think he can just sit in the airplane seat?


He can. The seatbelt might still be a bit big for him.


My four year old is roughly 45lbs, too. I bring a travel sized pillow to buffer between her back and the back of the seat - it's comfortable enough for her, and it keeps her snug at the tightest fitting of the seatbelt. If you can't or don't want to bring one, an airplane blanket would suffice (if somewhat less so) ... and as a flight attendant, I always recommend staying as far away from those nasty blankets as possible, especially the kids.


You can the carseat check it at the ticket counter (free, doesn't count towards your baggage allowance) OR at the gate (drop off and pick up at planeside). Please remember to bag it or cover it in some way - the airport is a dirty place filled with all kinds of chemicals and toxins that you don't want getting embedded into your kid's carseat.


Finally, bring snacks. Many airlines no longer give free snacks. If your kid drinks milk, bring some of that as well - you ARE permitted to bring milk through security for children (just declare it to the officer and expect to take a few extra minutes going through security). My airline provides no milk on board after the early morning flights; I understand this to be true of (some) other major airlines also. Try to bring snacks that aren't super messy - cheerios and crackers make a HUGE MESS! M&Ms are good, unless your kid is like mine and likes to hold them until they're melty LOL. I usually bring M&Ms because it keeps their hands occupied ... I pour it into a cup (ask the flight attendant for an extra) and keep it right onto their tray table. Since you're bringing a DVD, it'll be a great way to keep his hands busy while he's watching. The most annoying kid habit on planes are loud toys (mostly for younger kids) and kids that have nothing to do with their hands or feet so they tap, kick, push, or otherwise bother the folks seated in front of them. Along those lines - explain to your kids that the tray table is attached to the seat in front of them, and make sure they bring it down gently (rather than letting it slam down).


Planes get chilly, even in summer weather, and especially at the window seats (where my kids like to sit). Bring a sweatshirt or blanket. I have a small washable thin sheet-like blanket that I stuff into the pillowcase of our travel blanket for minimal bulk. If we need it, it's there. We almost always need it.


Pack a small grocery bag into your purse. Also, a damp washcloth or handwipes. I keep the bag on the floor for the entire flight, adding trash or dirty wipes (face, hands, etc) as we go. Then I give it to the f/a at the end of the flight because they don't come buy often enough to collect it as we make it!


Some folks board early; I board late. If I'm travelling with someone I'll have them board with our boarding group so they can take care of putting our bags into the bins. I let my kids stretch and run around the gate area until the last possible minute, then we board and I shove their carry-ons under the seat in front of them.


Go potty IN THE AIRPORT just before boarding begins (which is 30 minutes before departure). The airplane lav is NASTY. My kids use it by themselves but they travel a lot - most kids want their parents to come with them, and there is just so little room in that germhole that it's not worth using it if you don't have to. I ask my kids to avoid it unless it's an emergency.


You can't use electronics for about 15 minutes after takeoff, and about 15 minutes before landing. Tray tables will also need to be up, so be sure to have an activity you can do during that time - books, coloring in your lap, or just talking about what's going on outside the plane window. We call just prior to landing the Colic Hour because the kids that have been watching tv or playing video games all flight long get mad that they have to turn everything off. "What am I supposed to do with him now?" I've actually had a parent say LOL. Not that you would, just some people don't realize or prepare for that 30 minutes of electronic-free time :)


Four year olds are usually great travel companions - they're interested in what's going on, and it's easy enough to rationalize and explain to them what's happening (e.g., seatbelt sign is on, we need to stay seated). Have fun!

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His carseat is a Britax Frontier and it's hard enough to get in the car let alone an airplane seat.


And just FYI, for you or anyone who travels with a Britax - when you board, ask the flight attendant for a seatbelt extension. It makes installing a Britax SO MUCH EASIER! Not sure if the Frontier is the one that's wider than the other Britax seats though ... if so, disregard :)


That, and avoid the bulkhead seats with a Britax. (I don't like the bulkhead for kids anyhow, but so many people seem to prefer it so I thought I'd mention it.)

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Wow! Thank you for all of the great suggestions! I'm making a list! :)


I am so relieved to be told we don't have to take the car seat on board. What a relief. It will make life so much easier!


We're flying from CA to FL. On the way there we have a layover in Denver. So, that trip is broken up nicely. On the way back, our layover is in Atlanta so we have to face the nearly 5 hour flight home. These tips will definitely make life much easier on that longer flight.


Thank you so much!!

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We fly often since we live in HI and are from the east coast.


My kids all time favorite airplane activity is making candy necklaces. We take ziploc bags of fruit loops (you can use fruit cheerios if you want to be healthier but we waive our normal standards while traveling) and pipecleaners for each kid. You can use string but pipecleaners are easier for little hands to string on to and easier to connect together/tie off (no tieing skills necessary). They will easily spend an hour or two stringing cereal, sometimes even into patterns, and then will wear their creations and snack through another hour or so.


We started this activity with our oldest at 2 and she still loves it at 5.

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