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Son with flu

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Luke woke up Friday am with a sore throat, which turned into a fever by late afternoon. His fever started over 103 and gradually came down over the weekend, so it was around 100 most of Sunday. He's also had a mild cough with most of this. Monday he woke without a fever, and was fever free all day until 9 pm when it spiked back up over 102. It's still 102 this am. Nothing else has changed - no pain, no worsening cough, etc. I'm watching him like a hawk and will decide whether to go the doc around lunch time.


We haven't been to the doctor, but just assumed it was H1N1 as several of his good friends, including his lego building buddy (now there's a way to spread germs!), were confirmed to have it.


If you could keep him in your prayers, I'd appreciate it.


Oh, another odd thing. Five kids that are close have all had this this week, here in our neighborhood. All in different families. No one else in any of the families has gotten sick. Isn't that odd?

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I hope he's better soon.


If you decide to stay home & just wait it out, then watch for these warning signs that require immediate medical attention:


from the CDC:


There are emergency warning signs. Anyone who has them should get medical care right away.

What are the emergency warning signs?


In children


  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing
  • Bluish skin color
  • Not drinking enough fluids
  • Not waking up or not interacting
  • Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
  • Fever with a rash

In adults


  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Severe or persistent vomiting


The CDC also has a handy page on taking care of a sick person at home





About the other people who don't seem to be getting it - one of the things that became clear when they were testing the vaccine is that lots of people who didn't think they'd had it, actually had. (they tested titres before people were enrolled into the vax study & found many were showing antibodies but did not recall getting sick).


So there must be lots of either completely asymptomatic or low symptoms cases. BUT, one of the things that everyone is watching now is whether mild cases provide immunity - because it seems like they may not.


It seems that in some circumstances, people who only had a mild case are getting it again. Researchers are watching carefully to see if the virus has 'drifted' genetically and is different enough to re-infect, or whether it was simply that the initial illness didn't create a vigorous enough immune response.


Geographic areas which were hard hit in the spring should be 'clear' now if the immunity holds but that does not seem to be what's happening and various regions are reporting a 'second wave' of infection.






best wishes to you & your family,

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I suspect my kids have H1N1 this week. They have all the symptoms. So far 3 of my 4 have it and my dh. I'm unsure about myself- I have had some mild symptoms but nothing like the kids and no fever -so possibly it's just a very light case. I'm being really watchful though since I am pregnant with twins (and have gestational diabetes) and my youngest has reactive airway.

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I suspect my kids have H1N1 this week. They have all the symptoms. So far 3 of my 4 have it and my dh. I'm unsure about myself- I have had some mild symptoms but nothing like the kids and no fever -so possibly it's just a very light case. I'm being really watchful though since I am pregnant with twins (and have gestational diabetes) and my youngest has reactive airway.


Gee, no stress there,huh? I'm sorry y'all are dealing with this while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself - you will all be in my prayers.

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Hi Amy,

I hope he gets better soon! The way your son's temp did is exactly what my own daughters did 3 weeks ago. My husband ended up taking Relenza (he has MS) but it was a strange ride, so to speak, in how this virus behaved.

My husbands Dr. said that his own son spiked a 104 fever and it was gone within 6 hours,back, then gone for one day and back.


I hope he feels better soon! Out of the 4 of us, it hit my oldest daughter hard, my youngest was hardly sick at all (just for one day) and my husband went on the Relenza but ached terribly. Me, not to much, just sore throat and fever for 2 hours..lol


I hope you all are feeling better soon!

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Hi Amy,

I hope he gets better soon! The way your son's temp did is exactly what my own daughters did 3 weeks ago. My husband ended up taking Relenza (he has MS) but it was a strange ride, so to speak, in how this virus behaved.

My husbands Dr. said that his own son spiked a 104 fever and it was gone within 6 hours,back, then gone for one day and back.


I hope he feels better soon! Out of the 4 of us, it hit my oldest daughter hard, my youngest was hardly sick at all (just for one day) and my husband went on the Relenza but ached terribly. Me, not to much, just sore throat and fever for 2 hours..lol


I hope you all are feeling better soon!


When my kids had what could have been swine flu, they did the SAME thing. Weird stuff. They would have a fever and it was gone, get it back and it was gone. Then, at night, when most fevers spike, my kids' went away. It was the strangest virus we have ever had.


I wonder if it even was the flu - but if what another poster said is true and that getting the flu shot each year for a long period of time gives you some protection and makes the virus more mild, then just maybe we did have it!

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