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How do you feel about no reading curriculum for an 8th grader?


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I just brainstormed a wish list for what I would like to teach next year and it is a mile long, of course. I am thinking of leaving out a formal literature course (we are doing LL7 this year). I would keep ds reading worthwhile books on a schedule and maybe we could just discuss them. Would he miss out on much?

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I think your plans for socratic-type dialogue is good. However, *I* don't think this is adequate preparation for high school literature. In 8th grade I'm going to increase our literature analysis so that we can start doing timed literary analysis papers (an idea I got from the High School board) in 9th grade. My plan is to go through Teaching the Classics and How to Read a Book between now and 9th grade. I'm also going to work through Omnibus I in 7th and Omnibus II in 8th grade. Of course, this is just my opinion. I would write out your specific goals you would like to achieve in your high school literature studies and make sure that your 7th & 8th grade schedules will help prepare you to achieve those goals.

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No. You won't miss much. You'll be just fine.


Sure, you could do a formal program and learn literary terms, and some lit. analysis; on the other hand, your ds can also pick that up in high school.


If it helps, we are halfheartedly doing Lightning Lit. We did a few lessons, but then my ds decided he wanted to go ahead and read Lord of the Rings, now. So LL is on the shelf. I like it, but I also really do not think that we'll suffer by dropping it, as long as we keep reading and discussing good books.


Read, discuss, and sometimes write. Those are the important things.

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That's what we're doing, anyway. (I usually do have him write the one-page summary/evaluation mentioned in wtm or follow R&S's book report format after we've discussed.)


I admit I do answer the questions in Well-Educated Mind for myself before we discuss, and occasionally I find an online study guide. But, the questions in the logic stage reading section of Well Trained Mind are designed as middle-school level lit analysis. (and, Rod & Staff will also teach many of the literary terms that a curriculum such as LL teaches)


I think I'll trust SWB on this one, since that's her thing, ya know?




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I think you'll be fine without a reading curriculum for a year. Especially if you've loaded him up with lots of other structured learning, it might be nice to have one area that he can carve out on his own. He'll do fine in high school without it. I did very little of that kind of stuff with my now high schoolers. Frankly, I think you can overdo it and burn the poor student out. At the high school level they are much better at analyzing, figuring out plot, irony, deeper meanings, arguing with the point of view of the author. I do not think my high schoolers have suffered a bit for not having a formal reading curriculum every year. So from my own personal experience, Mama Lynx is right on target. As long as they are reading and discussing, thinking about and loving books.

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You know, Stephanie, I just knew you were going to post this! Oh, how funny. We have a for and against, now we just need an undecided...


LOL, I know. And posting at the same time, at that!


I have a questions about the timed literary analysis papers: What are those in preparation for? I know that they'll need to have the ability to write timed essays, in general. Will you be doing timed literary analysis as a way to teach timed essays, or for another goal?

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Christian Light Reading 8 which includes:


SUNRISE READING 800 – Where Roads Diverge


Analyzing story characters

Working with the Latin word roots

annus, quattuor, and junctum

Identifying setting in a story

Defining and identifying foreshadowing

Identifying figurative language:

metaphor, personification, simile

Understanding and identifying allusions

Considering the results of respecting

older people

Understanding and identifying conflict

Relating characters’ actions to “where

roads divergeâ€

Understanding what an essay is

Identifying the theme of an essay and

a story

Interpreting unusual figures of speech

Rewriting a passage to eliminate a figure of speech

Identifying the lessons taught in a


Identifying the theme of a fable

Identifying paraphrases

Paraphrasing passages

Identifying personification

Extracting lessons from characters’

mistakes and examples

Identifying the parts of plot: conflict,

crisis, climax, resolution

Labeling a plot map for a story

Understanding and identifying prejudice in story characters

Identifying a strategy for avoiding

wrong judging

Interpreting symbolism in literature

Considering anger as a response to


Considering and identifying satire

Identifying the main ideas of paragraphs

Writing the main idea of a paragraph

Interpreting a metaphor from a

Scripture verse

Gaining information from letters, dialogue, and narrative

Identifying allusions

Comparing a character’s situation to a

Bible character’s

Identifying the main points of stanzas

of poetry

Identifying summaries of stanzas of


Marking the rhyme scheme of a poem

Identifying eye rhyme

Contrasting two characters

Interpreting the meaning of a poem

Applying the message of a poem to



Identifying first- and third-person narrators

Considering how point of view helps

develop a story

Identifying characters as static or


Identifying a selection as romantic or


Identifying the theme of a selection

Determining the likely veracity of statements

Analyzing a poem’s structure

Identifying beautiful language in a poem

Working with the Latin roots jactum and


Identifying the possible varying sides of

a story

Interpreting description

Analyzing character in relation to

‘‘where roads divergeâ€

Analyzing how characters took responsibility

Analyzing setting

Identifying foreshadowing

Applying principles from the story to life

Interpreting passages from an essay

Inferring from the essay

Identifying onomatopoeia

Marking the rhyme scheme of a poem

Identifying similes

Identifying a paradox

Interpreting poetry

Comparing a poem and an essay

Identifying mood-creating words in a


Telling why the first person to declare

his cause usually seems right

Understanding unity in a poem

Writing an additional stanza for a poem

Marking meter in a poem

Learning the term iamb

Identifying the thesis of an essay

Identifying examples that support the


Identifying the double meaning of a title

Working with the French root para

Comparing characters’ actions to

Scripture passages

Determining character traits from actions

Interpreting symbols in a story

Using context clues to determine word


Identifying the elements of setting

Interpreting and applying Bible verses

Identifying an allusion

Identifying proper response to life situations


Identifying a story frame

Telling how a character obeyed a Bible


Telling how someone could have better

obeyed a command

Defining denotation and connotation

Identifying the denotation and connotation of words

Identifying the climax of a story

Determining the broad setting of a story

Working with the Greek roots biblos

and philos

Identifying reasons for characters’ feelings

Interpreting figurative language

Describing how different views of the

same thing can be both right and


Choosing the most likely correct view of

an incident

Identifying the lesson taught by folktales

Describing the characteristics of folktales

Comparing two versions of a folktale

Determining word meanings from context clues

Inferring details from the story

Identifying character qualities from

characters’ actions

Paraphrasing text from the story

Interpreting an allegory

Summarizing a list of items

Identifying a statement that best states

the idea of a number of statements

Interpreting symbolism

Describing the results of jealousy and


Analyzing characters’ actions in light of

“where roads divergeâ€

Identifying irony

Thinking clearly about disagreements

Tracing the internal conflict in a story

Identifying a character as static or


Working with the Latin root centum

Understanding the reasons for a character’s actions

Identifying an allusion

Understanding stereotypes

Identifying indications of prejudice

Explaining the irony in a statement

Applying a verse to the story

Paraphrasing a poem

Interpreting symbolism in a poem

Identifying the main idea of a stanza of


Learning the term anecdote

Identifying the keyword in an anecdote


Identifying problem-solving skills

Identifying actions that show persistence, observation, and understanding

Identifying protagonist and antagonist

Relating setting to mood

Identifying character traits from actions

Identifying the elements of plot: conflict,

climax, resolution

Working with the Greek root hydro

Analyzing a character’s actions in light

of ‘‘where roads divergeâ€

Explaining how “talk leads to penuryâ€

Identifying the resolution of the story

Determining word meanings from context clues

Paraphrasing lines of poetry

Explaining the poem title

Identifying mood or atmosphere of stanzas of poetry

Identifying the theme of a poem

Matching paraphrases to lines of poetry

Completing two parodies of a poem

Identifying four types of fallacies in


Marking rhyme scheme and rhythm

Identifying alliteration in a poem

Identifying the moral

Paraphrasing a verse

Working with the Latin roots terra and


Identifying unfair judgments

Determining character by observing


Identifying couplets

Identifying refrains

Telling how a refrain affects the mood

of a poem

Identifying irony

Identifying the theme of several verses

Matching a popular saying to a proverb

from Proverbs

Explaining the meaning of unusual


Identifying foreshadowing

Analyzing character in light of the story


Noting the descriptive language used to

describe setting

Inferring details from the story

Matching figures of speech to their


Describing aspects of the story setting

Explaining characters’ actions


Determining meanings of words from

context clues

Inferring details from the story

Analyzing characters’ actions in light of

“where roads divergeâ€

Understanding the historical background and setting

Identifying four types of fallacious thinking

Comparing and contrasting two characters

Considering how others can stereotype

you and your family

Relating setting and mood

Identifying the double plot of a story

Identifying the theme of a story

Considering the effect of one’s actions

on others

Matching lines of poetry to paraphrases

Identifying the theme of a poem

Paraphrasing lines of poetry

Matching lines of poetry to anecdotes

that illustrate them

Identifying foreshadowing

Determining character from actions

Identifying how different characters

would respond

Identifying “victim†and “overcomerâ€


Identifying how characters obeyed a

Bible commandment

Defining parallel

Identifying three types of parallelism in

Hebrew poetry

Identifying the meanings of stanzas of


Identifying an implication of the poem

Identifying the part of the plot

Working with the theme of the story

Identifying a character as an “overcomer†or a “victimâ€

Identifying protagonists, antagonist, and


Explaining irony in story events

Drawing lessons from story events


I highly recommend CLE reading. Join the CLE yahoo group to see samples & the complete scope & sequence charts.


Good Luck with your decision!

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I think you'll be fine without a reading curriculum for a year. Especially if you've loaded him up with lots of other structured learning, it might be nice to have one area that he can carve out on his own. He'll do fine in high school without it. I did very little of that kind of stuff with my now high schoolers. Frankly, I think you can overdo it and burn the poor student out. At the high school level they are much better at analyzing, figuring out plot, irony, deeper meanings, arguing with the point of view of the author. I do not think my high schoolers have suffered a bit for not having a formal reading curriculum every year. So from my own personal experience, Mama Lynx is right on target. As long as they are reading and discussing, thinking about and loving books.


Good post, and I agree. It's hard not to get caught up always trying to prepare for the next stage and forget to enjoy the one you're in.



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I'm not sure what the distinction is between a formal literature course and just reading books and talking/writing about them. To me, the latter is a literature course. At least, that's what all my college and graduate-level literature courses consisted of. :)


I guess it comes down to what exactly the discussions were about and how much literary analysis they involve. I do think you can get away without doing a lot of formal analysis if you plan to pick it up again in 9th grade, but it's also not hard to work in a few literary terms or to look at symbolism and such as part of a less formal discussion. Have you seen Invitation to the Classics? It has some good discussion/essay questions along with background information about a whole slew of Great Books.

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Well, I didn't do any lit ana with my oldest 2 until high school. Didn't hurt them at all. Lit ana is not a difficult concept, nor is the vocab that hard to learn quickly when you are mentally ready to process it. Actually, during our conversations you would never have known that they hadn't had "formal" lit ana before.


My middle 2, 6th and 8th graders, are doing some this yr with LL from LOTR. They are enjoying it, but it is light and enjoyable.


So.....no, I don't think you'll be missing a thing. :)

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There was post about what the high school board about what they felt their children lacked the most, and the consensus was writing. A follow-up post asked what they would do better the next time, and timed literary analysis was an option given. Angelina (cajun.classical) said that she taught high school and college literature and did a lot of timed essays. She said the homeschoolers were weak in this area because things are not usually timed. Time management was noted as a critical skill for college, and I completely agree. I never thought to do a timed essay, but I think it will be great preparation for college. However, I can't time something they know nothing about. Therefore, I'm planning on doing a little upfront work in junior high so that essay writing and time management skills can be refined in high school rather than introduced. As always, this is just my different point of view.

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another vote for skip it if he already has a strong 8th grade schedule.


In my case, we're picking UP lit analysis in 8th, cuz we didn't do too much previously. But the more I read around about high school the more I'm convinced that what you learn isn't as important as how much you keep track of it, lol.


ok --that last line was pretty much tongue in cheek. Yes, we know there needs to be quality instruction too :glare:


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