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Christian author suggestions for 10 yr old boy

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Has anyone found some modern books that are Christian in content? Maybe a book series. DS loves the Hardy Boys and he's almost finished the first 13 books of the Boxcar Children. His favorite is the Hardy Boys books, so I'd love to find something with a Christian message in it, still innocent, but still interesting. Any ideas?



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Not yet, maybe something slightly easier than that one. I remember he started to read one of them and he read a__ in it and he told me he didn't think he should be reading it. I don't think he'll do well with intense books like that....too many bad dreams maybe, but then I've never read them so I'm not sure.



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Not yet, maybe something slightly easier than that one. I remember he started to read one of them and he read a__ in it and he told me he didn't think he should be reading it. I don't think he'll do well with intense books like that....too many bad dreams maybe, but then I've never read them so I'm not sure.




I don't recall that word it them??


Anywho, they are by my favorite author :tongue_smilie: and written as a model of Christ and Christianity, so keep them in mind for later. :001_smile:

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A very discerning, pre-reading friend just highly recommended the set of the "Bark of the Bog Owl" trilogy for my kids. Here's a bit of the summary from amazon:

Rogers takes biblical fiction to a new level in an imaginative fantasy rendition of the story of King David that both enchants and entertains. Young Aidan Errolson of Longleaf Manor longs to be a warrior and adventurer in the service of King Darrow of Corenwald, but instead, the 12-year-old boy spends his days tending sheep on his father's vast estate. Adventure beckons when he befriends one of the "feechiefolk," Dobro Turtlebane of the Tam, a member of a wild nomadic tribe that travels the rivers and swamps. Bayard the Truthspeaker, Corenwald's greatest prophet, is confident that Aidan is the Wilderking, "From the land's wildest places a wild man will come/To give the land back to her people." But many of the once valiant men of Corenwald have become complacent and tame, and when the Pyrthen Empire challenges Corenwald to send a champion to duel with their giant, only Aidan has enough trust in God to accept. With his help, Corenwald might regain its wild adventurous spirit so good can triumph. Readers familiar with the biblical narrative will know where the plot is headed, but the unusual settings and characters keep the surprises coming, while Rogers's lovely descriptions and distinctive voice keep the pages turning. Faith fiction readers of all ages should enjoy this first installment in the trilogy.


I would warn you about the Adventures in Odyssey series, though. I assumed they were fine for my voracious reader - until he started telling me about some older themes... Pre-read those!


I also highly recommend the Chronicles of Narnia. And the Little House series - even for boys. We're huge E. Nesbit fans here and she's written a bunch of BEAUTIFUL adventures. There is some great vocabulary in them, though, so the reading level might be challenging.



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