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Kidney Stone question...

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From what I've read a stone that small should pass on it's own, but let me tell you, it's going to hurt, in the ER on morphine hurt. I've had one pass on it's own and one removed via Lithotripsy (ESWL) Honestly, passing a stone is the worst pain on earth, eclipsing childbirth well and truely. I'd take the ESWL again in a heartbeat as it's done when you are under GA.

Edited by keptwoman
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Sorry to hear of your kidney stone. I don't play a doctor. I can only tell you if it were me or someone near to me with a kidney stone I would do some research myself on the internet as I have in the past. There are some natural remedies that you might try and see if they help.

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From what I've read a stone that small should pass on it's own. I've had one pass on it's own and one removed via Lithotripsy (ESWL) Honestly, passing a stone is the worst pain on earth, eclipsing childbirth well and truely. I'd take the ESWL again in a heartbeat as it's done when you are under GA.


I've had two kidney stones, the first at the ridiculously young age of 20 (they run in my family). It is THE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED (I've had two c-sections, so I can't compare to actual childbirth), but I have also had ACL reconstruction and repair in a knee, and other various surgeries. This eclipsed any of those experiences.


Honestly, I know nothing about the shock wave treatment, but if it spared you the pain of passing, I would take the doctor up on it.

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I completely agree that kidney stones are much, much worse than giving birth to a child. In the summer of 2007, I had "multiple" stones that my doctor thought were small enough to pass on their own. The biggest one passed around 3:00 A.M., and I seriously wanted my husband to take me to the E.R. for an epidural. I had back labor with all 3 boys and the kidney stone pain eclipsed all 3 deliveries put together. At that time, I didn't know that there was a shockwave treatment available, but IF there's a next time, I'll insist on going that route.

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I've had one too. My advice: do the blasting. I had a friend that did it and she had no problems. As all the other posters have noted, the pain of a kidney stone is literally unbearable. I thought I was dying...rushed to hospital in ambulance where I threw up simply from the horrendous pain. I had just found out I was pregnant and they were worried about an ectopic pregnancy so they wouldn't give me anything for the pain. Ended up staying there for three days living on demerol. I shudder when I think about it.

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I also passed a kidney stone, and this was also on morphine in the ER. OMG, I was ready for someone to just shoot me in the head, that is how much pain I was in.


I would not wish that pain on anyone.


Take the shock wave. If a Dr told me I had a stone again, I would be terrified of it passing. I would be yelling to knock me out right then and there and BLAST that sucker.


I hope you are getting it done soon?


Once you have had a kidney stone you are always prone to them. I had one in early 2000 then another in 2007. I hope and pray I don't get another one.


Best wishes, and I hope you feel better soon.

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I was in horrendous pain earlier this week. I broke out in a sweat, couldn't talk....it was truly awful. I'd still say transition during childbirth is worse though. Will the pain be worse when it actually passes? I've given birth to 4 children totally drug-free....I'm not afraid of pain. Well, maybe a little afraid of pain...is it really worse than childbirth? :scared:

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I had horrible kidney stones with my first pregnancy. Spent most of the last trimester in the ER on morphine as I was passing a bunch of them.


Once baby was born, I went in for the lithotripsy to get rid of the rest. Lithotripsy is great.


I did a bunch of research and investigations to prevent them & even though my urologist was adamant that I'd have them again in the next pregnancy (because the uterus presses on the ureter and causes the kidney to not drain properly) I'm pleased to report that I was able to avoid them during my 2nd pregnancy.


And I haven't had them since.... yay!


Back to your Q - absolutely go for the lithotriosy. Passing a stone is awful. I say this as someone who had a natural homebirth with a 9.5 lb baby.....

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blast it!


hornblower, what did you find in your research about preventing them that worked for you?




I had a slightly different protocol during pregnancy as a couple ingredients in the herbal remedies are strong diuretics and were contraindicated. My pregnancy protocol relied heavily on stinging nettle infusions (bleh, bleh, bleh) & a couple other herbal remedies.

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I had a slightly different protocol during pregnancy as a couple ingredients in the herbal remedies are strong diuretics and were contraindicated. My pregnancy protocol relied heavily on stinging nettle infusions (bleh, bleh, bleh) & a couple other herbal remedies.



I read the above link and I was curious; how does one know when one's kidney's are getting "sluggish"? Is there some kind of warning sign I can look out for in the future that trouble is coming?


(And I am still undecided about the whole ESWL thing. I think I am more fearful of general anesthesia than of body wracking pain. Pain is a known quantity, GA is unknown. Of course if the pain I will experience is much much greater than what I have gone through thus far, both are unknowns I guess.)

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I have also had a kidney stone and it was in the ER on morphine, puking and crying pain. If there is any way to avoid it or shorten it then I would say absolutely do it. Both of my hubbies had kidney stones as well and they can sometimes last as long as a month and require more intervention to remove, not a pretty sight.

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I had surgery last month for a 4 mm stone. I had a 60% chance of passing it on my own, but during surgery, the dr had trouble getting it with the laser.


I chose not to do lithotripsy b/c my dr said it could take more than one time. After surgery he confirmed I made the right decision. Surgery, having a stent and getting a stent removed were not fun. but there is nothing fun about kidney stones.


The best part is according to my CT scan in the ER, I have at least one other stome in my kidney. I had my first stone at 18 (I am now 30 - celebrated my 30th bday in intense pain).


I have never had lithotripsy, but know several people who have had it and were pleased with the results.

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Re the general anasth. - I found it a breeze. I've had it twice - once to put in a stent and once for the lithotripsy. Really. They give you a happy pill beforehand.


About knowing your sluggish kidney - well, are you feeling pain now? Do you get a short stabbing pain in the midback? I get a very, very tiny tinge in my kidney when it's not working well - it's the same kind of pain but on a teeny tiny scale. If you're not really alert to it, I think you could miss it. Also, if I'm doing my yoga (I forgot to say above there are a couple yoga poses which help to massage and drain the kidney so they're a good part of preventative care) if it feels tender when I do the twisty poses, I know it's not working at 100% and I need to ramp up my preventative care.

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