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Are there days when you just want to cancel school indefinitely???

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I am in a funk right now, to say the least. My older son is not jiving with his curriculum and I am currently waiting for things to arrive so we can change paths. My younger son is having trouble with CLE LA 1 (rules are whizzing by him and he just isn't remembering them). SO - I would love to take time to get myself togehter, get the curriculum issues straightened out, and start again. Problem is...if we want to finish when I had planned, we can't just up and take a week off all willy nilly.


I think I may scream! What is wrong with me??? Is this normal? I feel like the kids when it is time to start school the last week or two..."Awww...do we have to?"

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Yep. I've been dragging/struggling with motivation/energy. It isn't helped by the CONSTANT bickering of the dc. (Mostly B & D being horrible to each other, but occasionally B & T or D & L have issues with each other. Today we've had all of the above. :glare:) Ugh. Nor is it helped by the fact that B periodically refuses to do his work. I just threatened him with school (or a complete curriculum such as K12) about 10 minutes ago--you know the "you have it so easy now/ if you want to push it you'll have sooo much more work/writing to do" spiel. :glare:


I keep reminding myself that it's October, and I felt this way last October (and the October before that...)



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Slog it out for tomorrow, see if you can work it out this weekend and if not maybe just an extra day or two would work? I've given ds days off, while also showing how he'd have to double up work to catch up.


It must be the weather. I just haven't wanted to 'do' school this week, luckily both the boys are gung ho (or else haven't noticed that I'd be happy to throw in the towel).

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The bickering isn't helping here either. That, and with what we were using, my 5th grader was needing me a lot more than he should be needing me...keeping me from working with my 1st grader who does need me. School is taking a ridiculous amount of the day. My older won't focus or concentrate and his attitude is infuriating me. None of this is conducive to good parenting OR good homeschooling. *sigh*

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I am not one with low expectations for my family, so I'm hoping the hive won't come at me & mine with pitch forks and torches. However, sometimes the most helpful thing to do is to take a break and come back to it. Fresh eyes and a new attitude are good thing.s As hsers, we have that freedom.

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Rebecca, I've finally come to terms this year with moving ahead in those areas where they are doing well, and stopping and parking on those spots where they aren't. The parking might be to do a review of those grammar rules, for example, or to do some extra work in a subject in order to get extra practice. So we will finish some subjects on time, but some subjects - the ones that they have struggled with, might go over. But even if you are still finishing up one or two subjects, you will still be doing much less school by that time.

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